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捅要 ,_ , I近年来,由于钢管混凝土柱结构具有许务优点而在高层建筑中得到越来越广 泛的应用,因而对其进行研究具有重要意义。,本文在广州新中国大厦模型的基础 上,对钢管混凝土柱单梁节点进行了试验研究,考查节点的静力工作性能和在低 周反复载荷作用下的动力性能,检验了节点设计的合理性和可靠性。进而对单粱节 点用Ansys进行了有限元受力分析,了解节点的内部受力机理。分析表明,在梁 钢筋及钢牛腿进入屈服的非线性阶段,节点区钢管的应力依然处于弹性状态,符合 “强柱弱粱,强节点,弱构件”的设计要求。根据试验和有限元计算的结果,提 出了合理的节点设计意见。采用杆系模型,对由单梁节点组成的钢管混凝土柱框 架模型进行了弹塑性地震反应时程分析,分析其在各种地震波作用下的反应,检 验其实际的抗震性能,计算结果与广州大学试验结果基本吻合。试验和计算结果 表明:钢管混凝土单梁节点受力可靠,钢管混凝土柱框架结构抗震性能好,在强 烈地震的作用下,结构没有发生不可逆的破坏,能有效抵抗地震波的作用。 关键词:钢管混杂≤7有限元:芬薪:弹塑性爵袅分析:莸≤ Abstract In recent years,concrete filled steel tubular columns have been widely applied in high—rise structure due to their many advantages,thus it is very meaningful to do further research on this structure.In this paper,the experimental study of the concrete filled steel tubular column single beam joint was carried out, which is based on the model of New China buliding in Guangzhou. The static behavior and dynamic behavior under low—cyclic reversed load of the joint were analysed to examine the rationality and reliability of the joint design.Furthermore,the finite element anal3,se of ioint with Ansys was put forward to find out the internal mechanieal behaviour of the ioints.According to the analyses.the steel tube stress in the ioints iS stillin an elastic state when the reinforeed bar and steel bracket enter into the yielded non-linear stage.Thus,it accords with the design requirement of ‘‘the column is stronger than the beam;the joint is stronger than the frame member.’’According to the results of the experiment and FEA,a rational proposal on the design of joints is put forward. With the aid of pole model,the concrete filled steel tubular column structure elastoplastic time history analyses was carried out to calculate its response under seimic waves.This results concords with experimental results of the model in Guangzhou University.The experimental and calculation results show:the single beam{oint of the concrete filled steel tubular columns iS reliable under stress.Irreversible destruction doe



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