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乳UdieS 乳UdieS On the MOrphOIOgy and ChrOmOSOme of FOur SpeCieS Of WoOd FrOgS in the Area arOund BOhai Sea AbstraCt The甜ea arOund Bohaj Sea is a speciaI and imponant zone in China,、IIfhich incIud鹊 Sh卸dong,Liaoning and Hebei Pr0、,in∞s,觞w酬觞Beijing锄d 11anjin c砌∞.Se帕n 0f twenty species 0f woOd fnDgs(aIso called brown f旧gs)in China diSt曲ute in this a怆a and amOng them,,毛棚’,ue,lSf§and R,,ua疗,鬯r,e,1s,s are endemiC.n shOws a high IeveI in biodiVe噶耐and∞mpI-酬on Of w00d frogs in this a啥a and their p叫09enic怆Iation∞d t乏I)(Onomy a伦unre∞IVed pe哟ctIy.1n Order tO get mO哈infornl绷On On the dass币c绷0n。 enVironmentaI inspectiOn andⅥfOOd frOg protec面On and u髓IizatiOn,four representa髓ve species of wOOd frOgs was seIected as the researching materiaIs in this thesis,they are只: chensinensis. R. kunyuensis。 R.huanrenensis and R.dybOwsk.i.。n、e∞媳fn乱 mO巾h0IOgy of their tadpoles and aduH,skeIetOn syStem and chromOsome we怕studied in desc—ption and quamitatiVe compansons. Fj例y,the e)(1emaI morpholOgy and moLJthparts of the训poIes of R叻嘲e,陋『s,凡 地疗刖旧!!仃:s活,R,,u舌唧.e,硷惦砖and只.d勃铷耐【:i:『we怕observed and measu限d und钟 ste伧OsCope.111e extemaI and O例mO巾hOlogi酬Cha甩Cterist.Cs have speci豁t0 species di仟eren∞among them.111e body size and c010r in Venter among the four species鹏怕 sign币c卸Uy d酐e悖nt,and tail Iength钔d body Iength骶aISO di仟erem by t-test锄aIySjs. The lab酬t蛐rowfOrnluIa of R伽yue仃s:『:sIs I:1—1门.1:II and I:1.1/III。wh.Ie those 0f 尺.曲ens,仃e仃s,s,凡,,蝴en蛹钔d只-dy幻鹏黼a怕I:3-3/1.1:m and I:2.2,1.1:Ⅲ with di仟e怕nt submarginal papiIl∞.11he 0f these tadpoles atIached in the paper for ident讯cation. SeCondIy,the adult e)(temaI mOrphOIogy钥d skeIeton characte惜were 0bServed and rneasured.The SkeIetOn SyStem Of R C咖e疗S,,冶疗S,s waS described jn deta¨and compariSOns amOng the fOur speCies we怕made with t—test anaIySiS.111e他SuIts shown that sOme significarTtIy dil艳ren∞among theSe woOd f『℃叼s and indicated that只: 柚n刖e仃s『s Is dmerent from R叻嘲e仃s,s and R蛳M偈肼and VaI.d in t纵onomy.只. 丘u几J,ue仃sf§was a new species蕾Dund at Mt.Kunyu 0f



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