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万方数据 万方数据 摘 要 钢-混凝土组合梁是通过剪力连接件将钢梁和钢筋混凝土板连接成整体共同受力 的一种新型梁。尽管钢-混凝土组合梁在国内外有着比较广泛的研究,然而在设计理 论及实际应用中仍然存在许多不足,随着钢-混凝土连续组合梁的进一步的应用,抗 弯性能有可能会影响结构的可靠性。基于此,对 5 组不同参数下的钢-混凝土连续组 合梁的抗弯性能及其可靠度指标进行试验值与理论值对比分析。 根据湖北鸿路钢构公司已有钢-连续组合梁试验数据,建立了三维有限元数值分 析模型,对其应力、应变、裂缝开展图、模态等进行了有限元模拟分析,绘制出了 连续组合梁的跨中荷载-挠度曲线。计算分析表明,数值分析结果与试验实测值基本 吻合,证明该分析模型是合理有效的。利用该模型,对影响连续组合梁抗弯性能的 主要参数(横向配筋率、材料强度、腹板厚度、剪切连接强度)进行了探讨,结果 表明,钢梁强度等级和腹板厚度对连续组合梁的抗弯承载力影响较大;剪切连接强 度和配筋率对连续组合梁抗弯承载力较小;混凝土强度等级对连续组合梁抗弯承载 力有一定影响,但混凝土强度等级达到一定水平以后,影响程度随之减小。 利用可靠度相关理论,建立钢-混凝土连续组合梁抗弯承载力功能函数,对各参 数进行相关统计后对影响钢-混凝土连续组合梁的抗弯性能的主要可靠度指标(钢材 品种、材料强度等级、配筋率、荷载组合形式)进行敏感性分析,计算结果均高于 规范规定在安全等级为二级时脆性破坏时的标准,为工程设计提供了有效的理论依 据。 关键词:连续组合梁;抗弯性能;可靠度分析;抗弯承载力;有限元分析 I Abstract Steel-concrete composite beam is connected with a will of steel beams and concrete plate are connected together into a whole load of a new beam with shear. Although the steel-concrete composite beams at home and abroad have a more extensive research, however, there are still many problems in theory and actual application, along with the continuous steel-concrete composite beams further application, the effect of flexural performance will be the reliability of structure. Based on this, five groups of steel under different parameters-concrete composite beam bending performance and reliability indicators are tested with the theoretical value comparative analysis. According to the experimental data of steel beam for Hourlong steel company continuous combination, the analysis model of 3D finite element method is established,and the stress, strain, crack propagation of nonlinear numerical simulation analysis is carried out , then the continuous composite cross in the load deflection curve of beams is obtained. As the calculation and analysis show that, the results of numerical analysis and experimental data are consistent with the analysis model. And the model is reasonable and effective. Using this model, this paper discusses the influence of continuous composite beams of the main parameters (includin



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