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大连理工大学硕士学位论文 摘要 论文题目为环渤海湾车客滚装船船型方案论证研究。本文介绍了国内外客滚运输发 展概况,分析了新型客滚船的性能特点和设计重点,在搜集了大量实船资料的基础上, 着重讨论了初步设计阶段中小型客滚船主要要素如何确定的问题。完成的工作主要有: l、建立了中小型客滚船主要要素估算模型,算例表明这些模型精度可供设计初期 估算之用: 2、建立了中小型客滚船主要性能校核模型,包括主机功率估算、稳性预报和横摇 校核; 3、结合渤海湾客滚运输现状,在上述算法基础上进行了连烟线客滚运输船型论证; 4、探讨了客滚运输中的种种安全措施。 船舶总体设计是一个复杂的系统工程,它涉及到主尺度确定、主机选型、型线设计、 总布置设计、性能校核、经济性分析等许多方面。由于本人学识和时间有限,本文研究 的宽度和深度都还不够,文中所得出的结论也有待进一步的检验。 环渤海湾车客滚装船船型方案论证研究 ABSTRACT The subject of this article is the study of evaluation of passenger/Vessel ferry schemes across Bohai GulE It introduced the development survey of passenger/vessel ferry transport, analyzed the characteristics of performance and key of design of new type passenger/vessel ferry,and on the base of having collected a vast amount of data of existing ferries, emphasized on how to determine the main dimensions at preliminary stage of design.The following is the work accomplished in this article. 1)Established estimation models of main dimensions of such ferry,which was testified by examples to be effectual at preliminary stage of design. 2)Established calculation models of main performances of such ferry,including estimation of the power of main machinery,forecast of stability and calculation of traverse sway. 3)In accordance with the present situation of passenger/vessel ferry transport across Bohai Gulf evaluated four passenger/vessel ferry schemes between Dalian and Yantai on the base ofthe models abore. 4)Inquired into the measures ofsecurity ofpassenger/vessel ferry transport. The general design of ship is a complicated system project,which involves the determination of main dimensions,the selection of main machinery,the design of lines,the— general arrangement,the calculation of performances and economical analysis.This article is far from perfect due tO my poor knowledge,and the conclusions accomplished should be tested in future work 大连理工大学硕士学位论文 第一章 引言 第一节 客滚船及客滚运输简介 客滚船(Vehicle/Passenger Ferry),一般航行于海峡、海湾或陆岛之间的中短途航 线,运载旅客及其私人轿车,也运载客车或货车。近年来国内外客滚船的发展非常迅速, 大有代替



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