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天津工业大学 毕业设计(论文) 题目:基于ansys的车床切削温度仿真研究 姓 名 贾 斌 学 院 机械工程学院 专 业 机械工程及自动化 指导教师 彭军强 职 称 讲 师 摘 要 切削温度是反映高速切削加工过程的一个童要的物性指标,是影响刀具磨损、刀具寿命和产品表面完整性及加工质量的重要因素,成为很重要的研究课题。 本论文建立切削区温度场的传热模型,用热源法对剪切热源和刀/屑摩擦热源的温度场进行理论计算,得出剪切热源产生的工件和切屑的温度场分布方程和刀/屑摩擦热源产生的刀具和切屑的温度场分布方程,最后求出二者共同作用下刀具和切屑的温度场分布方程。建立热豁塑性有限元模型,运用ansys对切削过程中的温度场进行数值模拟。得出切削过程中的温度场分布,最高温度集中在刀/屑接触面上刀尖附近的局部区域内。最高温度随子步的变化曲线表明切削的初始阶段,温度上升很快,随着切削地进行,温度的变化趋于平缓,最后达到稳态。切削达到稳态后,垂直已加工工件表面的温度变化曲线表明只有工件表面一薄层发生温度变化,工件内部温度几乎不变。从刀/屑接触面上前刀面的温度分布曲线,可以看出刀具上温度的最高点并不在刀尖处,而是位于前刀上距离刀尖不远的地方。在单因素条件下,分别改变切削速度、切削厚度和刀具前角, 得出了切削速度、切削厚度和刀具前角对切削温度的影响曲线。仿真结果与文献试验结果变化趋势一致。 关键词:ansys ; 切削温度 ; 热源法 ; 高速 ABSTRACT Cutting temperature during high speed machining operation has been recognized as a major factor that influences the tool life,the machined surface integrity and its quality.It has been an important research project. In the Paper,the heat transfer model of cutting temperature field has been built.Theoretic study about shear plane heat source and tool一chip interface friction heat source is carried out with the method of heat source.The temperature field distribution of chip and workpiece due to shear plane heat source is determined by this method.The temperature field distribution of chip and tool due to tool-chip interface friction heat source is also obtained.Then temperature field distribution of chip and tool due to combined both sources is derived.This paper builds thermo-viscoplastic model and carries out the finite element simulations of cutting temperature field by finite element software.The temperature field distribution indicates that the highest temperature focuses on the local region near to the tooltip at the tool-chip interface.From the dynamic cutting simulation,the curve of the highest temperature variation with step indicates tha



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