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Discourse markers,which have attracted great interest of many scholars since
1970,are extensively used in communication. Discourse markers are one of the common language phenomenons ,which function in various communications from di的rent perspectives. The 岛rmer scholars have studied discourse markers from gramm创ical,syntactic and pragm剖ic aspects. However,the defmition and classification of discourse markers have not come to an agreement.
This paper studies discourse markers 仕om a pragmatic view based on the presidential debate language. The former studies have analyzed discourse markers 仕om a lot Of language corpus but few peOple investigate discOurse marker from a debating context. Debate has a long history since ancient times,and presidential debate is a hot topic especia l1y in modem society. With the debate issues Organized
and held mOre and more frequently all over the world,the discourse markers which take up an important status in debate language should be paid great attention 仕om the Iinguistic perspective.
Through a general study and analysis Of the previous researches ,Relevance
theory and Adaptation theory provide a theoretical 仕amework in most studies. In this thesis,besides the two theories mentioned above,Politeness Principle is also
introduced to investigate discourse markers in debate language. According to the data collected 仕om the 2008 American Presidential Debate,the thesis tries to explore di旺erent functions of the discourse markers. Quantitative analysis and qωIitative
analysis are emplOyed in the study tO get a cOmplete conclusion. The importance of
discourse markers in a debate is verified by the quantitative analysis in the paper.
4 Di他rent 如nctions of these discourse markers appeared in the selected materials are detailed analyzed by the qualitative approach.
。In conclusion ,the discOurse markers contribute a lOt 阳 the debating process. 叽le present study expects to shed a new light on fur
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