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II II 摘要 随着 3G 牌照的发放,移动通信市场重新洗牌,市场竞争主体增加,用户争夺异常激烈, 市场竞争从价格竞争走向价值竞争,呈现多样化和复杂化的态势。赣州移动目前的市场占 有率将面临严峻的挑战。 由于个人在通信行业多年的技术、市场、综合管理的工作经历,本文将以赣州移动公 司为研究对象,通过对国内外核心竞争力发展对象进行分析,了解我国企业当前核心竞争 力发展水平进而再了解分析赣州移动企业本身的基础上结合所学的各类核心能力理论及相 关知识,以期探索出在下发 3G 牌照后,市场面临新的机遇与挑战的情况下赣州移动如何 通过打造核心竞争力,持续保持在本地市场上的领先地位的战略选择。故此,在导师的指 导下选择了本论文题目。 本文以战略管理理论为基础,通过学习和分析,结合赣州移动自身发展特点,研究企 业核心竞争体系的构成,通过对赣州移动的外部环境、内部情况、公司与其他运营商比较, 以及竞争优劣分析后,找出目前赣州移动发展上面临的主要问题,提出赣州移动应把公司 定位、市场、企业资源、能力和组织、文化等整合在一起,获得以价值为基础的核心竞争 优势。 关键词:3G;赣州移动;核心竞争力 III III Abstract With the issuance of 3G licenses,mobile communications market to re-shuffle,the main body of market competition increases,users compete for fierce competition in the market value from price competition towards competition, was diverse and complex situation. Ganzhou Mobiles present market share will face severe challenges. Individuals in the communications industry for many years due to the technical,market,integrated management of the work experience, this article will be Ganzhou Mobile as the research object, through the development of core competencies at home and abroad an object for analysis, understand the business, I had the core competitiveness of the current level of development and thus Ganzhou in understanding the analysis and the mobile enterprise based on the combination of their various types of learning theory and related knowledge core competencies with a view to explore in the upcoming 3G licenses issued by the market is facing new opportunities and challenges of the next mobile how to build Ganzhou core competitiveness in the local market continued to maintain the leading position on the strategic choice. Therefore, under the guidance of instructors choose this thesis. In this paper,strategic management theory,through study and analysis, combined with the developmental characteristics of mobile Ganzhou, research enterprise core competitive system,the composition of Ganzhou moving through the external environment,internal conditions, compared with



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