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中文摘要钢悬链线立管(SCR)是连接上部浮体和水下井口的关键结构。由于与该立 中文摘要 钢悬链线立管(SCR)是连接上部浮体和水下井口的关键结构。由于与该立 管连接的上部浮体会发生横向和垂向运动以及下部接触的海床情况很难确定,加 之立管悬垂段还受波浪、流的作用,造成立管的受力情况相当复杂。钢悬链线立 管的静力分析是立管力学分析的基础,所以钢悬链线立管的静力分析十分必要。 首先,论文介绍了钢悬链线立管的结构特点、设计关键技术、国内外研究进 展以及在我国的应用潜力。然后针对立管所受的静力荷载进行了详细的研究,静 力荷载包括立管功能荷载中的体积力和结构永久变形、压力荷载中的立管内部和 外部静流体压力、环境荷载中的流力和上部浮体静位移。其次,利用大型通用有 限元软件ANSYS,通过单元比较,建立了钢悬链线立管静力分析模型,得出立 管的最大拉力在顶部与上部浮体连接的地方,而立管的最大弯矩在立管的静态触 地点上(Touch Down Point TDP)的结论,为立管设计提供参考。最后通过对 立管涡激振动下的疲劳进行了分析,建立了一套简单的疲劳寿命预测方法。 A p 关键词: 钢悬链线立管静力分析管单元疲劳损伤涡激振 ABSTRACTne ABSTRACT ne steel catenary riser(SCRl is an important connector between a platform and the mouth of a well.Because the platform at the top of the riser will move horizontally and vertically,and the conditions of seabed can not be confirmed exactly, and the sag bend of the riser will undertake the loads caused by wave,current and marine grows,the riser system will undertake tremendously complex forces.So the mechanical analysis of the riser system becomes very important,and the static analysis of the riser system is the basis. First,this article introduces SCR’S structural characteristic and the key technology of SCR and the study conditions of the world and the potential applications in our country.And then,the static loads are unfolded in detail,the static loads contain volume forces and structural permanent displacement of functional loads,internal and external hydrostatic pressures of pressure loads,current forces and floater OfrSet of environment loads.Second.using ANSYS software carries out a static analysis model for the SCR.By compare,I decide to use the pipe element.By means of the static analysis of SClL we can see that the maximum tension iS at the connection of the floater and the SC&and the maximum moment iS at the touch down point.So we should pay much attention to this two positions when we are designing.Finally,the VIV induced fatigue damage is studied in detail,and I set up a simplified calculating method for the VIV induced fatigue damag



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