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西安市国际博览中心设计合同 Design Contract for Xi’an International Exhibition Center 项目名称: 西安市国际博览中心 Project Name: Xi’an International Exhibition Center 项目位置: 西安市曲江新区 Project Location: Qujiang New District, Xian 甲方: 西安曲江文化产业投资(集团)有限公司 Party A: Xi’an Qujiang Cultural Industry Investment (Group) Co., Ltd. 乙方: Skidmore, Owings Merrill LLP, 在美国成立并注册的公司,其注册地址 为:美国纽约市华尔街14 号,第二十四层。 Party B: Skidmore, Owings Merrill LLP, a company incorporated in the United States of America, whose registered office is at the 24th Floor, 14 Wall Street, New York, NY, 10005, USA. 签订日期: 2006 年______ 月______ 日 Contract Date: ____________, 2006 本合同为中英文版。若文字解释上有任何差异,以中文为准。 This contract is in both Chinese and English. In the event of any discrepancy between the two languages, the Chinese version shall prevail. 本合同为甲乙方协商一致,描述双方工作范围、责任及义务之唯一法律依据。此合同取代 任何以前此项目磋商交涉之协定。任何在此后发生之文件,将无法取代合同之约定及条 件,或扩充甲乙双方已定之责任和义务。甲乙方合同签订代表,为唯一可书面声明修正合 同内容及条例之执行者。 This Contract is the only legal description of project scope, responsibilities, and obligations agreed by both A and B parties. It replaces all prior negotiations and agreements for this project. Subsequent provisions of Contracts or documents shall not alter the terms and conditions of this Contract, or extend the stated responsibilities and obligations for the both parties. An amendment to this Contract can only be made in writing and signed by the authorized agents executing this Contract. 1 目录 Content 1. 项目资料和计算 Project Information and Calculations 2. 基本共识 General Understandings 3. 服务范围 Scope of Services 4. 辅助服务 Supplemental Services 5. 对工程的共识 Project Understanding 6. 报酬支付比例的分配 Method of Compensation 7. 税 Taxes 8. 转让权 Assignment 9. 付款方式 Method


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