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PAGE PAGE 5 基于AVR家庭智能防盗系统的设计与实现(主机) 中文摘要 本次设计家庭智能防盗系统主机是用AVR系列单片机的ATmega128单片机作为控制核心,mega128单片机对GSM短信模块、WT588D语音模块、CH320240液晶显示模块以及RF905无线收发模块等各执行机构进行控制。从机不断检测家庭外部和内部环境,将检测到的信息通过RF905无限发送模块发送给主机,主机同样通过RF905无限接收模块接收来自从机发送的信息,主机根据从机发送的信息,发出控制指令控制相应的执行机构。当有险情发生时,主机通过控制语音模块发出相应的指令直接将信息传达给人;通过控制GSM模块以短信形式将屋里的情况通知屋主和小区管理员。在第一时间,报告家里的险情给屋主和小区管理员,将损失降到最低。 关键词:报警;ATmega128单片机;GSM短信模块;WT588D语音模块;CH320240液晶显示模块;RF905无线收发模块。 Based on The AVR Family of Intelligent Design and Implementation of The Anti-theft System(Host) ABSTRACT The design of the host of the household intelligent security system use the ATmega128 single-chip processor which belongs to AVR series microcontroller as the core to control, mega128 microcontroller controls the GSM message module, the WT588D speech module, the CH320240 LCD module and the RF905 wireless transceiver module and other various actuators. The slave constantly tests the environment of the house internal and external.The slave sending the signal it deceted to the host by RF905 infinite, the host also receives the messages from slave through the RF905 infinite receiving modle, and the the host machine send control command to control corresponding actuators according to the information from the slave . When danger occurs, the host sends out the corresponding instruction through speeching module to tell us the information directly; notifies the owner and administrator the information by controling GSM module on message form. At the first time, report the risk to the homeowners and adminatator, making losses be a minimum. Key words: alarm; ATmega128 single-chip processor; GSM message module; WT588D speech module; CH320240 LCD module; RF905 wireless transceiver module. 目录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \z \u HYPERLINK \l _Toc1119 第一章 前言 PAGEREF _Toc1119 1 HYPERLINK \l _Toc27673 1.1 研究背景 PAGEREF _Toc27673 1 HYPERLINK \l _Toc6073 1.2 研究目的 PAGEREF _Toc6073 1 HYPERLINK \l _Toc13343 1.3 主要内容 PAGEREF _Toc13343 1 HYPERLINK \l _Toc27148 第二章 总体方案设计 PAGE



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