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浅论存货计价方法的选择 PAGE 浅论存货计价方法的选择 摘 要 存货是企业的一项很重要的资产。发出存货计价方法的选择,对于企业的经营成果和财务状况都有直接的影响。在企业生产经营过程中,存货始终处于流动状态,原有的存货不断发出,新的存货又不断取得,随时间的推移,相同存货的价格或单位生产成本可能会有明显的差异,发出存货按照什么时间的购买价格或生产成本计价就成为会计上必须解决的一个问题。企业在选择发出存货计价方法时,要根据企业的经营规模、管理状况慎重地比较各种方法的利弊,权衡国家、企业、职工、债权人以及股东等各方面的利益关系。无论工业企业还是商业企业,存货都是企业一项很重要的资产存货是指企业在生产经营过程中为了出售或耗用而储存的有形资产,包括原材料、在产品、库存商品、低值易耗品等。现行存货发出的计价方法有实际成本计价法和计划成本计价法两大类,实际成本计价法在实际运用中又有先进先出法、后进先出法、加权平均法等方法。本文从比较不同的存货计价方法的角度出发,探讨不同情况下不同的各种存货计价方法的利弊,并试图最终为企业合理选择适合的存货计价方法提供有效的意见。 关键词:存货;计价方法;选择;分析;运用 SHALLOW INVENTORY VALUATION METHODS OF CONFIRMATION ABSTRACT Inventory is a very important asset. From the choice of inventory valuation methods, for the operating results and financial position has direct influence. In the process of enterprise production and management, inventory is always in a state of flow, the original stock continue to issue new stock, and continue to make, with the passage of time, the same stock price or production cost / unit may have distinct differences, inventory according to what time of the purchase price or production cost becomes the accounting must solve a problem. Enterprises in the choice of inventory valuation methods, according to the size of the business, management situation carefully compare various methods, balance state, enterprise, employees, creditors and shareholders and other aspects of the interest relations. Whether industrial or commercial enterprises, inventory is a very important business assets inventory is refers to the enterprise in the production process for sale or consumption and storage of tangible assets, including raw materials, products, inventory goods, consumables such as. The current inventory valuation method is a method of real cost valuation and project cost valuation two kinds big, actual cost method in the practical application and FIFO, LIFO, weighted average method. This article from the comparison of different methods of inventory valuation perspective, disc



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