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w 苏州科技学院 学年论文 论文题目 浅析《水浒传》宋江忠义 院 (系) 天平学院 专 业 汉语言文学(非师范) 学生姓名 学 号 0830304606 起迄日期 2011年11月5日~ 2011年08月30日 指导教师 职称 副教授 填写日期: 2011年08 月15 日 w 浅析《水浒传》宋江忠义 摘 要 自从《水浒传》问世以来的三四百年间,人们对于主人公宋江的研究和评价便从未间断过。就如时下对《红楼梦》的研究一样,时刻备受关注。宋江是整部《水浒传》中最重要的人物,作为文学形象,也是最复杂、最矛盾、最具争议、最有艺术魅力的一个人物形象。但对宋江的评价却也是自古以来文人的一大争论。明李卓吾如此评价宋江:“身居水浒之中,而心系朝廷之上;一意招安,专图报国;卒之犯大难,成大功;服毒自缢,同死而不辞。则忠义之烈也,真足以服一百单八人者之心,故能结义梁山,为一百单八人之主。”而金圣叹的观点正好与之相反。他认为:“《水浒》有大段正经处,只是把宋江深恶痛绝,使人见之有犬彘不食之恨。从来人却是不晓得,《水浒传》独恶宋江,亦是歼撅渠魁之意,其余便饶恕了。”对于宋江是忠义还是反叛,百年来所议者甚多。 关键词 水浒传;宋江;忠义 “Water Margin” Songjiang,His Loyalty Abstract Since the Water Margin since the advent of three or four hundred years, people hero Song Jiangs research and evaluation has never stopped. As nowadays the Dream of Red Mansions and studies, always cause for concern. Song Jiang is the whole Water Margin the most important person, as a literary image, but also the most complex and contradictory, the most controversial and most artistic charm of a character image. But it is also the evaluation of the ancient Song Jiang, a major literary controversy. Song Jiang Ming Liciu commented: Water Margin reside among the heart on the court; an amnesty intended to specifically serve the country chart; death of the guilty disaster, into a great service; poison hanging with the dead without any hesitation. Is the strong loyalty also, True enough to service one hundred eight were single heart, and it could be sworn Liangshan, for the one hundred eight of the main one. and tan view just the opposite. He said: Water Margin a large segment decent place, but hated the Song Jiang, see the people there hate dogs do not eat swine. Never know who is not, Water Margin independence evil Song Jiang, Jian-stick channel is the meaning of Quebec, the rest will be forgiven. Song Jiang is for loyalty or rebellion, the proponents many years. Keywords Water Margin;Song Jiang ;Loyalty 目 录 一 绪论 ………………………………………………………………………… 1 二 忠义之名 ………………………………………



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