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毕业设计(论文) 固体杂多酸催化合成苯甲酸异丁酯 Synthesis of Isobutyl Benzoate Catalyzed by Solid Heteropolyacid 院(系)名称 学院 专业名称 化学工程与工艺 学生姓名 学号 指导教师 教授 年 月 日 摘 要 苯甲酸异丁酯为无色油状液体,用于食品,还广泛用于配置各种香水、化妆品等,近年来已受到越来越多的关注。 本论文对进行了研究。 由此得到结论:以磷钨酸为催化剂,用98.36%,醇酸比为4,回流分水时间6 h,反应温度108 ℃~112 ℃,带水剂甲苯与醇用量的体积比为1.1,此时酯化率达到94.44%。 关键词:;;; Abstract Isobutyl benzoate is a colorless, oil-like liquid with sweet smell. It is harmless and has no potential risk to personal safety. Various flavors of essences can be made by reasonable compatibility of it with other materials, and can be widely used in various configurations perfume, cosmetics etc. In recent years it has been abstracting more and more attention. The synthesis of isobutyl benzoate by esterification of benzoic acid and isobutyl alcohol catalyzed by solid heteropolyacid with water stripping agents was studied. The effects of type and amount of catalysts, reaction time, molar ratio of reactants and type and amount of water stripping agents on the yield of isobutyl benzoate were investigated. The experimental results showed that when the amount of catalyst was increased form 10.24% to 98.36% of the benzoic acid, the yield increased from 37.81% to 84.90%. Further increase of the amount of catalyst did not change the yield significantly. The yield increased with the reaction time till six hours. After six hours, the yield was almost kept constant. The yield reached 94.44% when molar ratio of reactants was 4, while the yield was 92.53% or 93.7% when the ratio was 2 or 3 respectively. Yield of 94.44% was obtained with toluene as the water stripping agents, which was higher than that with benzene or cyclohexane as water stripping agents. The optimized technical condition was as following: tungsten phosphate acid as catalyst whose amount was 98.36%of the benzoic acid, the molar ratio of isobutyl alcohol to benzoic acid was 4, reaction time with reflux was 6h, reaction temperature was 108℃~112℃, toluene, 1.1 times of alcohol, as the water strip



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