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四川理工学院毕业(设计)论文 磷化膜正硅酸乙酯封闭剂研究 学 生: 学 好:08051040203 专 业:腐蚀与防护 班 级:防腐08·3班 四川理工学院材料与化学工程学院 二0一二年六月 摘 要 本论文是研究正硅酸乙酯对钢铁磷化膜的封闭效果及影响因素。封闭机理是正硅酸乙酯利用试片表面残余磷化液中的酸作催化剂水解聚合,在经磷化处理的钢铁表面生成一层网状聚合物膜,对钢铁试样的磷化膜进行填充处理,并与磷化膜层一起形成复合膜。实验主要内容是在确定最佳磷化工艺的基础上,通过单因素实验,确定试样表面磷化液量和正硅酸乙酯封闭填充时间对封闭效果的具体影响。实验结果是通过观察磷化膜层金相图像,测定膜层厚度,记录硫酸铜滴定液滴定时间和测定塔菲尔曲线四种检测结果的综合比较得出的。在探究封闭填充时间对封闭效果影响时,封闭时间设置为:1min、3min、5min、7min;探究试样表面磷化液量影响时,液量情况设置为:标准状态(即试样表面无明显水珠,有一层很薄的水膜)、稍微少于标准状态、稍微多于标准润湿状态。实验最终得出正硅酸乙酯常温封闭填充的最佳工艺为:试样磷化液量为标准状态,封闭时间为5min。 关键词:磷化,正规酸乙酯,封闭处理,检测 ABSTRACT This paper is to study the TEOS on phosphating film sealing effect and its influencing factors.The sealing mechanism is TEOS using specimen surface residual liquid of acid as catalyst hydrolysis polymerization, in the phosphate processing steel surface to form a layer of network polymer film on steel specimens,the phosphating film was filled,and phosphating film together to form the composite membrane.The main content is to determine the best phosphating process on the basis,through the single factor experiment,determine the sample surface phosphorization fluid volume and TEOS closed filling time on blocking effect of specific effects.The experimental results is observed through metallographic determination of phosphating film,film thickness,copper sulfate titrant record time and determination of Tafel curve of four detection results obtained comprehensive comparison.In the inquiry closed filling time of closure effect,closure time is set to:1min,3min,5min,7min;explore the specimen surface phosphating liquid quantity,liquid volume is set to: standard conditions(the specimen surface no obvious water,has a thin water film ),slightly less than the standard state,a little more than standard wetting condition.The experiment finally obt


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