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摘要 随着高压输电项目的开展,我国的电压等级向更高迈进。以及电力系统朝大机组、高电压、大电网、高自动化方向发展,系统的短路电流愈来愈大,传统的电磁式电流互感器的弊端日益凸现,而基于Rogowski线圈原理的有源型电子式电流互感器(ECT)因其测量精度高,响应速度快,无磁饱和等优点,于是电子式电流互感器已经成了国内外研究的热点,但有源型ECT的高压侧信号处理单元必须要有供电电源,因此有源电子式互感器高压侧电路的供能问题则是研究工作中的关键技术。 本文首先简要地综述了电子式电流互感器的研究状况和发展趋势,然后重点介绍有源电子式电流互感器中高压侧电路的供电问题,对电子式电流互感器的工作原理作了分析,对国内外的研究现状进行了探讨,并对基于Rogowski线圈原理的有源型ECT作了整体的设计,得到了一些有益的结论。电流互感器是电力系统中的重要设备,本文选用一种适用于有源电子式电流互感器高压侧供能电源的的设计方案,通过CT取能,经整流,滤波,稳压等后续电路处理后,给高压侧提供稳定的12V电压。将该电路进行实验,成功得到测试结果,并应用protel软件完成其PCB电路板设计。 关键词:电子电流互感器 有源式 高压侧电源 供能方式 Abstract Along with the development of hv-transmission project, our voltage rating to higher ahead. And power system toward large units, high voltage, power grid, high automation direction, system short circuit current, the traditional assolenoid style increasing the disadvantages of current transformer is the protruding, and based on the principle of the active Rogowski coil electronic current transformer (annual autocatalyst output) because of its high measurement precision, fast response, without magnetic saturation, etc. So electronic current transformer has become the hotspot research at home and abroad, but active type of high pressure side annual autocatalyst output signal processing unit must have the power supply, and therefore active electronic instrument transformer of high voltage side circuit problem is powering the key technology research work. This paper firstly reviewed briefly the electronic current transformer is research status and development trend, then the key introduction active electronic current transformer in high pressure side of the power supply circuit, the working principle of electronic current transformer is analyzed, and the research situation at home and abroad are discussed, based on the principle of the active type Rogowski coil the overall design annual autocatalyst output, and some useful conclusion are obtained. Current transformer is the important equipment power system, this paper selects a kind of suitable for a



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