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摘要 监控组态软件在当今的计算机控制系统中扮演着越来越重要的角色,采用组态技术的计算机控制系统最大的特点是从硬件设计到软件开发都具有组态性,因此系统的可靠性和开发速度提高了,而开发难度却下降了。现在较大规模的控制系统,几乎都采用这种编程工具。监控组态软件是完成数据采集与过程控制的专用软件,它以计算机为基本工具,为实施数据采集、过程监控、生产控制提供了基础平台和开发环境。MCGS是优秀的监控组态软件之一,它功能强大、使用方便,可以非常容易地实现监视、控制、管理的各项功能,并可提供软、硬件的全部接口,方便、快速地进行系统集成,构成不同需求的数据采集与监控系统。 注塑机具备能一次成型外型复杂、尺寸精确或带有金属嵌件的质地密致的塑料制品,被广泛应用于国防、机电、汽车、交通运输、建材、包装、农业、文教卫生及人们日常生活各个领域。在塑料工业迅速发展的今天,注塑机不论在数量上或品种上都占有重要的职位,其生产总数占全般塑料成型设备的20%--30%,从而成为目前塑料机械中增长最快,生产数量最多的机种之一。因此,研究注塑机扩大其应用,有着非常现实的意义。 本次做的注塑机是以组态软件为核心,重点研究实现了MCGS组态软件这种模式的注塑机,从原理上对MCGS组态软件有了深一步的认识,这些基本功能完成后,在软件基础上实现注塑机的功能。 关键字:监控、组态软件、注塑机 Abstract Monitor configuration software in todays computer control system to play an increasingly important role in using technology, computer control system configuration is characterized by the maximum from the hardware design to software development is a configuration of, and therefore the reliability of the system development speed, while the difficulty of development has declined. Now large-scale control system, almost all use of such programming tools. Configuration software is a complete data acquisition and process control of specialized software, it is the basic tool of computer, for the implementation of data acquisition, process monitoring, production control provides the basic platform and development environment. MCGS is a good one configuration software, it is powerful, easy to use, can be very easy to achieve monitor, control, management of various functions, and provide software and hardware of all interfaces, convenient and fast system integration constitute the different needs of data collection and monitoring system. Injection molding machine has to shape a complex, precise size or with a metal insert denser texture of plastic products, is widely used in national defense, electronics, automotive, transportation, building materials, packaging, agriculture, education and medical care and everyday all areas of life. In todays fast-growing plastics industry, injection molding mac



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