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PAGE 本科毕业设计(论文) 电子式电压互感器的方案设计与计算机仿真 学 院 专 业 电气工程及其自动化 年级班别 姓 名 指导教师 年 月 日 摘 要 随着中国社会主义经济的飞速发展,电力技术也必须不断发展,使得它能适应中国农工商业的用电需求。电力系统输电容量的不断扩大,远距离输电迅速增加,电网等级的不断提高。为了使变电站自动化的技术进一步改善,互感器不断的改良更新,使二次系统起到更精确的测量和监控作用。 常规电磁感应式电压互感器有着很多不可克服的缺点,使新型电子式电压互感器成为当今世界的一个热门研究方向,电子式电压互感器结合了光纤通信和集成电路的一些特点,具有体积小,重量轻,频带宽,数字输出,便于与计算机连接,性价比高,而且采用非磁性材料作为传感器,无饱和,无谐振,克服了传统互感器先天不足的缺陷。 本文通过对几种电压互感器的结构分析,比较其各自的优缺点,最终选择了阻容式电压互感器作为本文的研究对象。通过初步电路设计,原理分析,参数计算,确定阻容式分压式传感器的结构组成,通过仿真和实验,证明出其测量准确度高,暂态相应特性好,线性无饱和等一系列优点。然后通过有源光学电压传感器设计,使其满足电力系统测控和继电保护对电压信号的取样要求。 最后通过对传感头和信号处理器的屏蔽,系统悬浮接地,在电路板上的电源与地线间加去耦电容等方法,使其电磁兼容措施得到完善,让系统的可靠性得到进一步的保证和提高。 关键词:阻容式分压器;信号处理;电磁兼容性。 Abstract With socialism in Chinas rapid economic development, power technology must continue to develop, make it to the Chinese agricultural trade demand. Power transmission system capacity continues to expand, a rapid increase in long-distance power transmission, power grids levels rising. For substation automation technology to further improve the transformer constantly improved update so that the second system has played a more precise measurement and monitoring role Conventional electromagnetic induction voltage transformer have many Overcome shortcomings, new-concept voltage transformer is a popular research direction of the world today. The electron type voltage transformer combined the some features of the optical fiber correspondence and integrated circuit, have the small volume, the light weight, the wide band of frequency, numeral output, linking with the computer easily, the good quality in low cost, and adopt the non- magnetic material as sensor, have no saturation, have no resonance, overcame the traditional transformer inborn shortage. Based on several voltage transformer structure analysis and comparison of their respective merits, finally chose the RCVT transformer, as this study. The initial circuit design, principle analysis, parameter calculation, to determine R-pres


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