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目 录 摘 要 ABSTRACT 1 绪论 1.1 课题设计背景 1.2 温度湿度检测技术现状 1.3 预期目标 2 设计方案的选择 2.1 温度传感器的选择 2.2 湿度传感器的选择 2.3 显示模块的选择 2.4 系统总体方框图 3 系统硬件设计 3.1 控制模块 3.2 复位电路和时钟电路 3.3 温度检测电路 3.4 湿度检测电路 3.5 显示电路 3.6 按键及报警电路 3.7 系统总电路 4 系统软件设计 4.1 主程序流程图 4.2 温度检测子程序流程图 4.3 按键扫描子程序流程图 5 proteus仿真与调试 5.1 proteus仿真图 5.2 实物调试与总结 参考文献 附录 致谢 摘 要 随着大棚技术的普及,温室大棚数量不断增多,对于蔬菜大棚来说,最重要的一个管理因素是温湿度的控制。温湿度太低,蔬菜就会被冻死或停止生长,同时,温湿度过高亦不行,所以要将温湿度始终控制在适合蔬菜生长的范围内,这就首先需要一个温湿度检测装置来正确检测温湿度。现在,随着农业生产规模的提高,大部分蔬菜大棚,都对温湿度的检测装置提出了更高的要求。为此,在现代化的蔬菜大棚管理中通常有温湿度自动检测装置,以检测蔬菜大棚温湿度,来适应生产需要。 本论文主要阐述了基于AT8952单片机的蔬菜大棚温湿度检测装置的设计,主要包括硬件电路设计及软件设计等。该系统采用AT8952单片机作为控制器,DS18B20、HS1101分别作为温度湿度数据采集系统,温度湿度实现LCD数字实时显示,按键调整上下限设置,超限报警等功能。通过软、硬件设计使得该款温湿度检测装置具有智能化、高精度、高可靠性等优势,具有广阔的应用前景。 关键词:AT8952; DS18B20; HS1101; 蔬菜大棚; 温湿度检测 ABSTRACT With the popularization of trellis technology, the number of greenhouse trellis is continuously growing, for vegetable shed speaking; one of the most important management factor is the temperature and humidity control. Temperature is too low, the vegetables will freeze to death or stop growing, meanwhile, high temperature is also not good. So to always control temperature and humidity in a suitable vegetable growth range. A temperature and humidity detection devices to correct testing temperature and humidity is first needed. Now, with the improvement of agricultural industry scale, for most vegetable trellis, the detection device of temperature and humidity put forward higher request. Therefore, in modern vegetable shed management often has temperature and humidity automatic detection system, in order to detect the temperature and humidity, to adapt to the trellis vegetable production needs. This thesis mainly elaborated based on AT89S52 tomatoes canopy temperature and humidity control system design principle



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