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PAGE 河南科技学院 本科毕业论文 论文题目:利用遗传算法优化鸡腿菇母种 培养基的研究 学生姓名: 所在院系: 生命科技学院 所学专业: 生物技术 导师姓名: 完成时间: 年5月29日 利用遗传算法优化鸡腿菇母种 培养基的研究 摘要 先由均匀设计软件得出22组不同配方的培养基,把活化的鸡腿菇母种接种到上面,在恒温下培养,每天观察并做好记录。根据得到的鸡腿菇母种在这些培养基上的生长速度数据,在用均匀设计软件建立生长速度数学模型,而后以此在数学软件MATLAB (7.0版)里建立目标文件,设置好所有参数,开始模拟优化。模拟鸡腿菇母种生长速度是9.5622mm/d,优化培养基是:蔗糖15.886g/l,葡萄糖40.057 g/l,酵母粉13.438 g/l,蛋白胨21.258 g/l,磷酸二氢钾和硫酸镁8.000g/l,碳酸钙4.685 g/l。 验证试验鸡腿菇母种在待测培养基生长速度是9.52mm/d,并且菌落洁白,菌丝稠密。而在PAD培养基上的生长速度是8.13mm/d,菌落呈白色,菌丝密。优化生长率达到17.1%,菌落形态更佳,可以确定待测培养基是最优培养基。 关键词: 鸡腿菇 ,培养基 ,生长速度,遗传算法 optimization of stock media of coprinus comatus with genetic algorithm Wang Zhiqiang (School of Life Science and Technology, Bioengineering Department,Class 052) Abstract 22 groups of culture medium of different ingredient were designed with the software of Uniform Design. Then the mycelia were inoculated onto the designed plates to test the growth rate. The result of the growth rate was put into the computer to establish the growth model with Uniform Design. The model was programmed as a file named fitness function, and then optimization was carried out with the software Matlab 7.0. The output growth rate is 9.5622mm/d and the theoretical optimal media are saccharine 15. 6g/l, dextrose 40.057 g/l, yeast 13.438 g/l, Peptone 21.258 g/l, Potassium dehydrogenate phosphate and magnesium sulfate 8.000g/l, and Calcium carbonate 4.685 g/l. In the Verification test, growth speed of C. comatus Parent species is 9.52mm/d, the colony is pure white and mycelium is quite dense, while the growth speed on PDA culture medium is 8.13mm/d, the Colony is white and Mycelium is dense. The optimized growth rate is up to 17.1%,and the colony shape looks much better, so the tested culture media is the best. Key words: Coprinus comatus,Medium,Growth rate,Genetic Algorithm 目录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \z \u HYPERLINK \l _Toc231204980 引言 PAGEREF _Toc231204980 \h 1 HYPERLINK \l _Toc231204981



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