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PAGE 昆 明 学 院 2011 届毕业设计(论文) 设计(论文)题目 浅谈耗散结构——生物体的有序之源 子课题题目 姓 名 学 号 20081701108 所 属 系 物理科学与技术系 专业年级 物理教育专业 指导教师 浅谈耗散结构——生物体的有序之源 摘 要 经典耗散结构对其有序的分析,虽然用热力学第二定律和熵增加原理无法解释,但这掩盖不了耗散结构本身的价值。耗散结构的有序是耗散结构在形成过程中各因子之间形成的相互联系,它是一个宏观整体的概念,反映了系统内部的联系程度。本文根据耗散结构理论,通过几种自组织现象实例,揭示了耗散结构理论的本质及其形成的条件,最后阐述了耗散结构是生物体的有序之源。生命过程在一定意义上是复杂的物理过程和化学过程,本文结合生命的现象的分析,提出了一种全新的生命目的观:生命的本能目的是为了使自身的耗散结构更有序,输入负熵只是实现生命本能目的的手段。同时,详细分析了生物体作为耗散结构的有序性的内涵。 关键词:耗散结构;自组织;有序性;负熵流;生命的本能目的 Brief Discoursing on the Dissipative Structure -- the Origination of Orderliness about Organism Abstract The analysis of orderliness about classical dissipative structure, is not interpreted by the second law of thermodynamics and the principle of entropy increment, but also unable to conceal the immanent value of dissipative structure. The orderliness of dissipative structure is dependent on the mutual contacts between various factors, it is a macroscopical and universal concept, which reflects the degree of internal relations about the system. This paper is based on the theory of dissipative structure, reveals the essence of the theory of dissipative structure and its formative qualification, finally we expounds that the dissipative structure is the origination of orderliness about organism. In a certain sense, the process of life is complicated physical and chemic process. This paper proposes a new view about the purpose of life through the analysis of vital phenomena: the instinctive purpose of life is to enhance the orderliness about the dissipative structure of oneself, the import of negentropy is just a means to achieve the instinctive purpose of life. In addition, this paper makes a detailed analysis of the nature of the orderliness for life as a dissipative structure. Keywords: dissipative structure; self-organization; orderliness; negentropy; instinctive p


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