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河南理工大学2014届本科毕业生论文 第 第 PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 1 页 仓储管理在桃源混凝土公司的运用 摘 要 迈入二十一世纪以来,现代科技迅速发展,为现代仓储技术的发展提供了强有力的支撑,使仓储技术发展朝信息化、网络化、智能化的方向迈进。也给仓储管理的发展带来了新的机遇和挑战。本文以桃源混凝土有限公司的仓库为研究对象,针对其仓储物流管理的现状进行了分析,包括桃源仓库仓库布局、仓储作业流程、设施设备现状、人工作业效率等方面。应用ABC分类法一、物流周转速度法、SHA物流分析法、流程程序分析法等相关理论,对其仓储物流管理提出了相应的优化方案。方案实施后,仓库布局得到优化,作业效率、仓储管理水平以及服务质量迈上了新台阶。并且在理论和实践的基础上,对仓储管理方法进行了运用,特别是物流周转速度分析法,来规划仓库布局,并实现了高效的出货效率。通过建立新的操作流程,实现工作更加简便;通过增加员工培训,不断来提升员工的职业素养,通过5S来优化仓库环境,利用目视管理使得仓库内的布局更加具有条理性。 关键词:仓储管理 仓库布局 物流 培训 效率 ABSTRACT Since the twenty-first century,the rapid development of modem science and technology has provided a strong support for the development of modem logistics Technology,which leads the development direction of logistics to information technology,networking,and intelligent.Development of warehouse management is also facing new challenge and opportunity.This paper takes Taoyuan Concrete Co. warehouse as the object of study,In view of the current situation of the logistics management is analyzed, Including Taoyuan warehouse layout of warehouse, warehouse operation process, present situation, facilities and equipment manual work efficiency etc.. Using ABC classification, logistics velocity method, SHA logistics analysis, process analysis and related theory, puts forward the corresponding optimization solution. Optimized, warehouse layout, operation efficiency, storage management level and service quality to a new level.And on the basis of the theory and practice, to use warehouse management method ,especially logistics speed of analysis, to plan the warehouse layout, and realize the efficient delivery efficiency.Through the establishment of new operating processes, implementation work easier; By increasing staff training, and constantly to improve the staffs professional quality, optimize the warehouse environment through 5S, using visual management makes the layout of the warehouse is more organized. Key words: management Warehouse layout logistics training



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