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PAGE 摘 要 随着高速列车和城轨车辆的发展,二系悬挂越来越多地采用大挠度的空气弹簧,现在大都在转向架的悬挂系统中加装一套抗侧滚扭杆装置俗称扭杆弹簧,该装置对车辆的垂向、横摆、点头、摇头及浮沉等振动不产生影响,只抑制车辆的侧滚振动。抗侧滚扭杆弹簧是一种利用金属弹性杆在受扭矩作用时产生扭转变形而提供抗扭转反力矩起作用的弹簧,综合起来讲扭杆弹簧具有如下主要特点:结构灵活,其性能可调范围大;弹性杆的扭转角(扭转变形)与所受扭矩成线性关系,故扭杆弹簧一般为线性弹簧;扭杆在承受高频率振动载荷时,不会像螺旋弹簧那样产生颤振;扭杆弹簧的工艺较简单,且易于控制;扭杆弹簧的设计计算准确性高;开发周期较短。 客车转向架安装抗侧滚扭杆装置是必要的,因此本文要介绍抗侧滚扭杆装置的结构和功能,建立了抗侧滚扭杆装置的力学模型,分析和计算了该装置对脱轨系数、轮重减载率、平稳性等性能参数的影响。与此同时,本文将利用simpack建立火车模型,通过改变抗侧滚扭杆的参数来算出车辆脱轨系数、直线平稳性及曲线平稳性等数据,来研究抗侧滚扭杆装置对车辆动力学性能的影响。 关键词:抗侧滚扭杆 动力学性能 空气弹簧 转向架 Simpack ABSTRACT With the development of high-speed trains and mass transit vehicles, Air springs are increasingly being used secondary suspension. After using a large deflection of the air spring, the flexibility coefficient of the vehicle and roll angle will be significantly increased. This not only affects the smooth running of the vehicle and passenger comfort, but also bring serious security risks. To solve this problem, now mostly in the bogie suspension system, the installation of a device is commonly known as anti-roll torsion bar torsion bar spring. The device does not affect on the vehicles vertical, yaw, nodding, shaking his head and drifting so vibration but only the side of the vehicle rolling vibration suppression. Anti-roll torsion bar spring is a flexible metal rod. When the torsion generated, anti-torque is provided by work torsion springs. The torsion bar spring has the following main features: Flexible structure with the adjustable performance range; it is generally linear spring torsion bar spring with a linear relationship between torque and twist angle (torsion);Torsion bar withstands high frequency vibration loads, which do not like the coil spring as an elastic rod chatter generated torsion angle (torsion) . Bogie anti-roll torsion bar is necessary device. This article will introduce anti-roll torsion bar structure and function of the device, establish the anti-roll torsion bar device mechanical model, analyze and calculate the coefficient of the d



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