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毕业设计(论文) 题目 汽车起重机伸缩臂系统设计 目 录 前言……………………………………………………………………… 1 摘要……………………………………………………………………… 2 1 绪论 2 1.1国内外汽车起重机发展概况及趋势 2 1.2伸缩臂结构发展现状 4 1.3伸缩臂机构形式介绍 6 1.4本课题内容及重要意义 7 2 QAY50汽车起重机主要技术参数和工作级别 7 2.1 QAY50起重机主要技术参数 7 2.2 QAY50汽车起重机的工作级别 9 3伸缩臂传动方案和臂架截面的确定 12 3.1伸缩臂传动方案的确定 12 3.2伸缩臂架截面的确定 14 4伸缩臂设计计算 17 4.1起重机伸缩臂尺寸的确定 17 4.2臂架伸缩液压缸的计算及选择 22 4.3伸缩臂受力计算 25 5伸缩臂有限元分析 31 5.1伸缩吊臂有限元模型建立 32 5.2 计算结果与分析 34 37 致谢 38 参考文献 39 汽车起重机伸缩臂系统设计 学 生:肖文涛 指导老师:谭宗柒 三峡大学机械与材料学院 摘 要:臂架是起重机的主要承载构件。起重机通过臂架直接吊载,实现大的作业高度与幅度。臂架的强度决定了最大起重量时整机起重性能,其自重直接影响整机倾覆稳定性,因而臂架结构设计的优劣,将直接影响整机的性能,如整机重量、整机重心高度和整机稳定性等。所以要在保证臂架安全工作的条件下尽量减轻臂架的重量,这对提高整机质量和经济性具有很大的现实意义。本文主要根据QAY50吨汽车起重机工作要求来确定伸缩机构的结构和传动方案,进而采用传统的设计方法对主臂的三铰点、主臂的长度、及每节臂的长度、臂架的结构、液压缸尺寸进行确定,对臂架进行受力分析,利用有限元对臂架进行分析。 关键词:伸缩臂;液压缸;臂架结构,有限元分析 Design of truck crane Telescopic boom system Student:Xiao Wen-tao Supervisor:Tan Zhong-qi (College of Mechanical Material Engineering, China Three Gorges University) Abstract:Boom is the main host of crane components. Directly through the jib crane hanging load, to achieve great height and range operations. Arm strength determines the maximum time from the weight lifting machine performance, its weight directly affect the machine overturning stability, structural design and therefore merits of boom, will directly affect the overall performance, such as the weight of the whole machine center of gravity height and machine stability. Thus, to ensure safe working conditions of boom to minimize the weight of boom, which improves overall quality and economy of great practical significance. Mainly based on XCMG truck crane 50 tons of requests to determine the structure and transmission expansion program, and then using the traditional design method is the main arm of the three nodes, the main arm length, arm length, and each section, Boom structure, determine the size of hydraulic cylinders. Keywords:Telescopic boom; hydraulic cylinder; Structure of boom ;ansys 前言 近年来,随着社会的发展,社会生活中对起重机的需求越来越大,但是,与国外汽车起重机相比,国外汽



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