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汽车尾灯控制器的电路设计 姓名: 专业名称:应用电子技术 指导教师: 讲师 摘要 前言伴随现代电子技术的发展,人们正处于一个信息时代,每天要从周围环境获取大量的信息,例如,电视、广播、印刷媒体等为人们报道世界范围内发生的各种事件。这些信息通常是通过我们的感觉器官(眼、耳等)进入大脑,并被存储下来,以作进一步的分析。数字电子技术几乎应用于每一电子设备或电子系统中。计算机、计算器、电视机、音响系统、视频记录设备、光碟、长途电信及卫星系统等,无一不采用数字系统。所以,掌握或具有一定的数字电子技术对我们工科类大学生来说是至关重要的。此次课程设计接近现实应用,将我们在课堂上的理论知识运用到实际生活当中。在设计的过程中,需要我们对理论知识理解透彻,对所需的各个电子元件熟悉了解以及具有化繁为简的总体设计思想。电子产品要求原理简单,造价成本低。因此,越简单的设计越能吸引制造商的眼球,越能满足生活要求。汽车的尾灯是其运行方式的最直接表示方式,令行人或其他车辆清晰明白它将要发生的动态变化。从而避免交通事故的发生。设计此电路要求严格符合交通规则,尾灯闪亮或熄灭准确,才不会让行人或其他车辆产生误解。NI Multisim10仿真为模、数电画图软件;ISIS 为仿真软件。设计中会用到这两个软件,要求能熟练运用。 关键词 :发光二极管 Multisim10 设计程序 Abstract This subject introduces a new simple based on SCM automobile tail light control circuit design methods, this design mainly to solve how to more flexible automobile tail light controller to control, turn left, turn right and nasty brake information, etc. Through the design automobile tail light display and control circuit, can be a very good comprehensive we had learned to single chip microcomputer, the C language, analog circuits knowledge, be familiar with the basic method of the electronic circuit design. And Multisim 10 is a good electronic circuit auxiliary analysis and design software, the whole system consists of switch control circuit, oscillating circuit, ternary counter, decoder and display driver circuit five parts. Computer simulation results show that the circuit realized the automobile tail light control. The car is its tail lights the operation ways of the most direct . At present in the domestic and foreign, the whole social trends are low energy, environmental protection, high efficiency for the subject. So is the trend of the development of the LED taillights, and now of high-grade car has started configuration. Keywords: light emitting diode, Multisim10, design program 目录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \z \u HYPERLINK \l _Toc327632164 摘要 PAGEREF _Toc327632164 \h I HYPERLINK \l _Toc327632165 Abstract PAGEREF _Toc327632165 \h II HYPERLINK \l _Toc327632166 前言 PAGEREF _Toc3



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