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哈尔滨工业大学工学硕士学位论文 - PAGE II - - 微波辅助预处理稻秆纤维素的工艺研究 摘要 纤维素是地球上最丰富的多糖,全世界秸杆或木质纤维类生物质能约相当于640亿吨石油,是目前世界上少数可预测的能够为人类持续提供能源的资源。利用纤维素水解产物经发酵生产乙醇为纤维素资源化利用提供了很好的途径。纤维素材料的预处理是生产可发酵还原糖的关键步骤,该步骤的优化可提高纤维素的水解率,进而提高还原糖产量。 本文考察了水稻秸秆在微波作用下,不同微波功率、作用时间以及不同质量分数的NaOH和催化剂Na2S对预处理效果的影响,利用分光光度计对预处理过的稻秆滤液进行吸光度测定,扫描电镜(SEM)对未经任何处理、经0.5%NaOH微波中火加热5min后、经0.5%NaOH和0.2%Na2S微波中火加热5min后的水稻秸秆表面微观形貌进行观察,并对其进行了酶解及还原糖浓度测定。结果表明:经NaOH和Na2S溶液预处理以后的水稻秸秆,可发酵还原糖产量得到提高,SEM图片显示预处理后稻杆的表面结构受到不同程度的破坏。在微波功率为中火,加热5min的条件下,NaOH质量分数为0.5%、催化剂Na2S质量分数为0.2%时,对水稻秸秆的预处理效果较好,还原糖浓度达到51.52g/L。 关键词 微波;预处理;稻秆;还原糖 Research on the processes of pretreatment to rice straw cellulose with microwave-assisted Abstract Cellulose is the most abundant polysaccharide.The straw or lignocellulose translocated biomass energy, equivalent to about 64 million tons of oil, is the only predicted resource of the world which could continue providing human resources of energy at present. Cellulose hydrolysis used by fermentation way into ethanol production provides a good way for cellulose utilization. Fiber material pretreatment is a key process in the production of ethanol,cellulose hydrolysis can be increased through these steps of optimization, and then improve the fermentable reducing sugar production. Based on the study of rice straw pretreatment under different mass fraction of NaOH and catalyst Na2S with microwave.The absorbance of pretreated rice straw filtrate were determined by spectrophotometer. The surface morphology of rice straw without any pretreatment, pretreated with 0.5%NaOH, pretreated with 0.5%NaOH and 0.2%Na2S were observed by scanning electron microscopy(SEM), the enzymatic hydrolysis were done and the fermentable reducing production were also determined. The results show that the fermentable reducing production of rice straw has increased and the structure also got different degree of damage after pretreated with NaOH and Na2S. In the microwave power at medium baking temperature, heating 5min, while the mass fraction of NaOH


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