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卧式粉碎机 专业:机械设计制造及其自动化 摘要:本文根据某塑料回收厂所提供的塑料的形状和性能,并查阅大量的相关资料,结合实际情况,设计出塑料回收设备,包括粉碎机、筛选机及其重要构件。本文首先介绍了粉碎筛选设备及其技术目前的发展状况和趋势、粉碎筛选设备的种类和工艺参数。然后分析各种塑料的机械性能,并根据其性能和所要求的粉碎和筛选效果,提出粉碎机和筛选机的结构及其性能特点的各种可行性方案。最后对各个方案进行相互比较,选取出相对较优的设计方案进行设计。在粉碎机的设计中,本文对粉碎机的各个机构进行了运动学和动力学的详细计算,并对变速箱和V带进行了严格的校核计算,确定了齿轮、电机、联轴器和皮带等的具体参数。根据这些参数绘制出粉碎机的结构总装图,同时在论文中也对其他构件进行了详细的介绍,如进料口、筒体等。在筛选机的设计中,由于筛选机中选用的变速装置和联轴器等与粉碎机中选用的是一样的,所以在设计过程中,省略了设计相同的部件,。只对其重要结构进行了详细分析和设计说明 主题词:粉碎机 结构设计 The structure design of lying disintegrator Major: Mechanical Design Manufacturing and Their Automation Undergraduate:Tang jianbing Tutor: Tian Daqing Abstract: According to the shape and the physical function of the plastic provided by a plastic recycling factory, and perusing a lot of relevant information, combined with the actual situation, to design plastic recycling equipment, including disintegrator, screening machine and their important components. In this paper, first introduced the development status and current of the disintegrate and screening equipment and their technology in modern, the kinds and technology parameter of disintegrator and screening machine. Then, analysis of the mechanical properties of plastics, and in accordance with their properties and requested by the disintegrate and screening , bring forward the structure and the function of as many as possible kinds of feasibility schemes of disintegrator, screening machine. Finally, And then, put these schemes compare with each others, chose the best scheme to design. In the design of the disintegrator, the thesis carries on the detailed calculation of the kinetics and dynamics to the whole organization, and takes a strict calculation of gear-box and V-belt, confirms the concrete parameter of gear, motors, couplings, the belt and so on. And then, Based on these parameters, a structure diagram of disintegrator is draw, at the same time, other components such as feed inlet, bowl, etc. also carried out a detailed introduced. As the gear-box and couplin


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