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PAGE PAGE 57 印刷原材料检测方法及其印刷适性的研究 院(系)、部: 包装与印刷学院 摘 要 随着包装印刷行业的发展,印刷原材料性能在印品质量方面所起的作用越来越受到重视。在数据化管理的今天,如果企业不对原材料信息有全面的掌握,在生产的过程中必定会受到产品质量问题的困扰。本文从纸与油墨两个方面出发,以性能检测为基础,以不同印刷方式下原材料的印刷适性为重点来讨论印刷原材料在产品生产过程中所起的作用。最后通过纸张平滑度、油墨黏度和油墨转移率关系的实验,得出了如何在生产实践中测定油墨的转移率。根据实验中发现的问题,在对实验数据的处理分析后,得出了一套优化的在生产及实验室中都能运用的实验设计方案。 关键词 印刷原材料;性能检测;印刷适性;纸张;油墨 ABSTRACT With the development of packages printing trade, the function of printing raw materials played in the quality of printing products is being paid more and more attention. Datumization management will certainly be perplexed by the quality problem of the products in the course of production, if the enterprise does not have overall mastering to raw materials information. This paper proceeds from two respects of paper and ink, regard measuring in performance as the foundation, and take the printability of printing raw material in different printing way as the key point to discuss their function played in the course of production. Finally, I reached how the transformation rate of printing ink in production practices is to be draw through the experiment of the relation of paper smooth level degree, viscosity of printing ink and transformation rate of printing ink. According to the question found in the experiment and analysis of the treatment to experimental data, I have drawn the design plan of a set of experiments that can be used in production and laboratory optimized. Keyword: printing raw materials; performance measuring; printability; paper; printing ink 目 录 HYPERLINK \l _Toc106699924 前言 PAGEREF _Toc106699924 \h 4 HYPERLINK \l _Toc106699925 1印刷原材料概论 PAGEREF _Toc106699925 \h 5 HYPERLINK \l _Toc106699926 1.1承印材料 PAGEREF _Toc106699926 \h 5 HYPERLINK \l _Toc106699927 1.1.1纸与纸板概述 PAGEREF _Toc106699927 \h 5 HYPERLINK \l _Toc106699928 1.1.2其它承印材料 PAGEREF _Toc106699928 \h 6 HYPERLINK \l _Toc106699929 1.2油墨 PAGEREF _Toc106699929 \h 6 HYPERLINK \l _Toc106699930 1.2.1油墨的概述 PAGEREF _Toc106699930 \h 6 HYPERL


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