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492Q曲轴第五主轴轴承盖工装夹具设计 作者姓名: 专业班级:机械工程及自动化 200806040130 指导老师: 摘要 制造业中广泛应用的夹具,是产品制造各工艺阶段中十分重要的工艺装备之一,生产中所使用夹具的质量、工作效率、及夹具使用的可靠性,都对产品的加工质量及生产效率有着决定性的影响。 本设计主要内容是从492Q曲轴第五主轴轴盖夹具现有的生产条件出发,确定出最合适的夹具结构。设计的目标是完成492Q第五主轴轴承盖的一套镗孔夹具设计和一套钻孔夹具设计。在设计过程中首先进行工序分析,弄清零件结构形式,明确设计目标。其次对夹具的类型进行了解,通过对各种夹具类型的详细比较分析以及误差计算、精度计算、夹紧力计算、夹紧点分析等再确定最佳夹具方案。文中还增加了一些关于镗刀和钻模的知识。 关键词 :镗孔;钻孔;夹具;误差分析; Fixture design of the fifthspindle bearing of the 492Q crankshaft Abstract:Fixture used widely in the manufacturing is one of the very important equipmentof the manufacturing process stage. Fixture quality, efficiency, and reliability of the fixture to usehave a decisive influence on all processing of the product quality and production efficiency . This design start with the production conditions of the 5th spindle bearings covered of the 492Q crankshaft fixture to determine the most appropriate structure. The objective of this paper are: to complete a boring fixture design and a drilling ficture design of the fifth 492Q crank spindle bearing covered. In course of the design process, firstly the processes to be analyzed,the structure of parts to be identified, the goal of this design to be cleared; Secondly,I analyze the various types of the fixture to determine the optimal scheme a fixture by analysing various fixture types of detailed comparative analysis and error calculation, accuracy calculation, clamping force calculation, clamping point analysis. The paper also increased aboutthe knowledge of boring and drilling,the knife mold. Keywords:Boring ;driilling; fixture; error analysis 目 录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \z \uHYPERLINK \l _Toc325820706第1章 前言 PAGEREF _Toc325820706 \h 1 HYPERLINK \l _Toc325820707第2章 机床夹具概述 PAGEREF _Toc325820707 \h 3 HYPERLINK \l _Toc3258207082.1 工件装夹的概念 PAGEREF _Toc325820708 \h 3 HYPERLINK \l _Toc3258207092.2夹具的作用、分类及组成 PAGEREF _Toc325820709 \h 3 HYPERLINK \l _Toc3258207102.2.1 夹具的作用 PAGEREF _Toc32582071



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