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赵仕云:青岛港集装箱多式联运通道效益综合评价研究 山东交通学院毕业设计(论文) PAGE 34 PAGE 35 摘 要 集装箱多式联运的发展很大的提高了货物运输的质量,减少了运输环节,缩短运输时间,降低了货物运输的成本,有效的提升了国家经济和贸易的发展。随着集装箱多式联运发展,逐渐形成了集装箱多式联运通道。随着经济的迅速发展,世界各国集装箱的运输的数量不断增大,集装箱多式联运通道效益的问题越来越受到重视,多式联运通道的优化和比选成为解决集装箱多式联运通道效益的重要内容。目前青岛地区的交通基础设施和运输体系状况已无法满足经济进一步增长所提出的更高要求,因此建设高效率的集装箱运输通道已成当然之选。 本文首先分析了集装箱多式联运通道的影响因素,然后根据这些影响因素的重要程度建立了体现集装箱多式联运通道优劣的综合评价指标体系,采用模糊灰色物元(FHW)综合评价方法,对青岛港集装箱多式联运通道效益进行评价和比选, 其研究成果对青岛港发展和优化国际集装箱多式联运提供理论依据。 关键词:多式联运、通道效益、综合评价   Abstract The invention and employment of container multi-modal transport has greatly improved quality of the container transportation,decreasing links of the container transportation and its transportation time,reducing the freight transportation cost,and forcefully promoting the development of trade and economy. The result of the development of container multi-modal transport is formed container multi-modal transport corridor.With the rapid economic development,the traffic of container growing fast all over the world,economy of container multi—modal transport be paid more and more attention. The rational planning and construction of container multi-modal transport corridor become all important issues.At present Qingdao area transportation infrastructure and transportation system has been unable to meet the further economic growth has put forward higher requirements. This paper analyzes the important factors which influence the evaluation of container multi-modal Transport corridor.According to the importance of these indexes,we choose some important indexes and then by using the FHW synthetic evaluation method. Through to the Qingdao container multimodal transport channel for evaluation and selection. For the state of Qingdao port international container multimodal transport overall planning. Key words:multimodal transportation,Channel efficiency,comprehensive evaluation 目 录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \z \u HYPERLINK \l _Toc327287119 前 言 PAGEREF _Toc327287119 \h 1 HYPERLINK \l _Toc327287120 1绪论 PAGEREF _Toc327287120 \h


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