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PAGE PAGE 0 摘 要 本设计充分利用单片机灵活的控制、丰富的外设处理能力,采用DDS技术根据需要方便地实现各种比较复杂的调频、调相和调幅功能,具有良好的实用性。 该设计的硬件系统由单片机作为核心控制单元,通过可编程键盘显示接口芯片连接键盘控制电路和LED数码管显示电路,与单片机相连的还有D/A转换电路、复位电路、电源电路、时钟电路等。 任意波形发生器通过单片机向0832发送数字编码,产生不同的输出,先利用采样定理对各波形进行抽样,然后把各采样值进行编码,得到的数字量存入各个波形表,然后将波形数据存储于存储器中,而后用可程控的时钟信号为存储器提供扫描地址,与每个地址相对应的数据则代表波形在等间隔取样点上的幅度值。数据被送至DAC,从而产生一个正比于其数字编码的电压值,每个电压值保持一个时钟周期,直至新的数据送至DAC,经数模转换后得到所需要的模拟电压波形。执行程序时通过查表方法依次取出,经过D/A转换后输出就可以得到波形。 关键词: 任意波形发生器;AT89S51;D/A转换器;频率 THE DESIGN OF ARBITRARY WAVEFORM GENERATORS Abstract This article introduced one kind uses the MCS-51 monolithic constitution the generator, its line is simple, the structure is compact, the price is inexpensive. The profile production is carries out some profile through AT89S51 to have the procedure, has the data to the D/A switch input end according to certain rule, thus obtains the corresponding voltage waveform in the D/A switching circuit out-port. Meets 5 in at89S51 P2 mouth to press turns, chooses each kind of profile, the peak-to-peak value voltage and the frequency through the software programming, through the software programming, has the P0 mouth base pin to meet 8279 chips in addition, each kind of profile corresponds a button.The monolithic integrated circuit electric circuit function forms the scanning code, the key value recognition, key processing, the parameter establishment; Produces fixed time interrupts; Forms the profile the digital coding, and outputs the D/A connection electric circuit and the demonstration actuation electric circuit. The profile generator system software design and has each kind of profile subroutine by the master routine, the time delay procedure, the data sheet procedure and so on。 Key words: Arbitrary Waveform Generators; AT89S51; D/A Switching Circuit; Frequency 目 录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \z \u HYPERLINK \l _Toc232059464 1.引言 PAGEREF _Toc232059464 \h 1 HYPERLINK \l _Toc232059465 1.1 课题的来源与技术背景 PAGEREF _Toc232059465 \h 1 HYPERLINK \l _Toc2320594


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