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PAGE 成都中粮祥云国际生活区 基坑支护稳定性分析 作者姓名: 学 号: 专 业:勘查技术与工程 指导老师: 成都理工大学 环境与土木工程学院 年 6月5日 摘要 本文研究的问题为中粮祥云国际生活区的基坑支护稳定性分析。根据国家现行建筑基坑支护技术规程,通过多种技术手段(钻探、原位测试、土工试验等)的勘察工作,基础上查明地基和基坑场地地基土上覆第四系全新统人工填土(Q4ml),其下由第四系上更新统河流冲洪积层(Q3al+pl)成因的粉质粘土、粉土、砂及卵石组成。针对坑壁地质条件,采用人工挖孔桩、喷锚支护和土钉支护方法对基坑进行支护设计。在土压力计算过程中,运用了郎肯土压力理论;在配筋计算过程中,参照了混凝土结构设计规范。通过上述计算及分析,得出整体稳定系数、抗倾覆稳定性系数,均达到支护稳定性的基本要求。 [关键词] 基坑支护;人工挖孔桩; 喷锚支护; 土钉支护; Chengdu zhongliang clouds international the living area of the Excavation SupportStability analysis Auter Name:Dong zhaosheng No:200603040125 Profession:Exploration Technology and Engineering Teacher: Li Yusheng 【Abstract】 The paper is the Excavation Support Stability analysis.This paper is based on the existing building foundation pit national technical regulations,Through the survey work of a variety of technical means(drilling/insitu testing/soil test and so on).Based on the identification of the foundation and overlying soil soil excavation site of Quaternary Holocene(Q4ml),its next update from the Quaternary alluvial river system layer(Q3al+pl)causes the silty clay,silt,sand and gravel .For the pit geological conditions,the paper uses manual digging pile、spray anchor and soil nailing excavations.In process of the pressure calculation,I use the theory of the Rankine earth pressure;in the process of reinforcement calculation,I reference to the design of mixed structure.Through the above calculation and analysis,I arrive at the overall stability factor,anti-overturning stability factor,and the factors are up to basic requirements of the support stability. 【Key words】Excavation Support ,Manual digging pile, Spray anchor Soil nailing, excavations. 目录 TOC \o 1-3 \u 第1章 前言 PAGEREF _Toc263629323 \h 1 1.1工程概况及其研究意义 PAGEREF _Toc263629324 \h 1 1.1.1工程概况 PAGEREF _Toc263629325 \h 1 1.1.2 技术要求 PAGEREF _Toc263629326 \h 1 1.2国内外研究现状 PAGEREF _Toc263629327 \h 2 1.3 指导思想、目的及意义 PAGEREF _Toc263629328 \h 6 1.3.1指导思想 PAGEREF _Toc263629329 \h 6 1.3.2


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