Cataloguing trends and development - Part I 世界编目观念的课件.ppt

Cataloguing trends and development - Part I 世界编目观念的课件.ppt

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Cataloguing trends and development - Part I 世界编目观念的课件.ppt

Fewer things to catalogue? 更少资源需要编目? 图2:近年来平均每家图书馆分编的单册(数据来源于ARL的年度统计调查,包括测绘制图资料) Ivey, Robert T.(2009) Perceptions of the Future of Cataloging: Is the Sky Really Falling?, Cataloging Classification Quarterly, 47: 5, 464 — 482 * More outsourcing? 更多外包项目? * Lower costs for traditional cataloguing? 传统编目的成本越来越低? 图3:学术研究图书馆使用辅助专职人员做原编的比率 Ivey, Robert T.(2009) Perceptions of the Future of Cataloging: Is the Sky Really Falling?, Cataloging Classification Quarterly, 47: 5, 464 — 482 * Lower costs for traditional cataloguing? 传统编目的成本越来越低? Ivey, Robert T.(2009) Perceptions of the Future of Cataloging: Is the Sky Really Falling?, Cataloging Classification Quarterly, 47: 5, 464 — 482 * Greater variety of information resources to manage? 更多种类的信息资源需要管理? 图5:学术图书馆处理数字资源的编目员比例 Ivey, Robert T.(2009) Perceptions of the Future of Cataloging: Is the Sky Really Falling?, Cataloging Classification Quarterly, 47: 5, 464 — 482 * Greater variety of information resources to manage? 更多种类的信息资源需要管理? Ivey, Robert T.(2009) Perceptions of the Future of Cataloging: Is the Sky Really Falling?, Cataloging Classification Quarterly, 47: 5, 464 — 482 * Cataloguers in the digital age 数字时代的编目员 Changing role – classical cataloguing as ‘pre-coordinate’ vs. digital age cataloguing as ‘post-coordinate’ 改换角色 –传统的编目为前协调,数字时代的编目为后协调 User won’t be restricted by the search terms that have already been allocated 用户不再被预定的检索术语所限制 No more search engine vs. library catalogue but a combination 有哪些信誉好的足球投注网站引擎与图书馆书目管理不再对立,而是共存 Ivey, Rober图书馆t T.(2009) Perceptions of the Future of Cataloging: Is the Sky Really Falling?, Cataloging Classification Quarterly, 47: 5, 464 — 482 * Cataloguers in the digital age 数字时代的编目员 Based on emergence of XML and development of Semantic Web 基于可扩展标记语言的崛起与语义网的发展 Role of academic catalogue to expand from a locating device to being a research tool in itself 学术性编目的角色从定位的方式之一扩展为本身成为一种研究工具 Ivey, Robert T.(2009) Perceptions of the Future of Cataloging: Is the Sky Really Falling


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