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Il is requesl 0f thc shouldcring typc of lhc sI rajgh c Iype accOrding Io Ihe reaI pa rl,making tcchnology of Ihc clecIrode lhal Ihis IcxI has sludied Ihc elecl ric spark based on SLA protolype and silicon rubbe mould and taken shape emphalically,to whal proIolype su rfacc and siljcon fubber mouId surface in SLA to carry on lhc coppe卜plaIed crafl of chemislry and melhod and ca rry on dcep research espccially. Pass tO lhe coppe卜pIalcd mcchanjsm of chcmislr y,the analysi s and studying of thermodynanlics condjIjon,moIiVc forcc knowlcdge queslion,has confirmed IhaI carries on the coppe卜plaIed fcasibilily of chemis c ry on prototype surface of SLA and silicon rubber mould surface.Is iI pay Iest mcIhod siudy chemical coppe fdcing main saIc iJl lhc prcscrjpljon.hold mixlu re,sIablizer,addiIiVe in place wilh nel lo dcposil spced and influcncc,sOluIion of slabilily IO use,cOnfirm chemjsl ry initial coppcr facing solution and chemi sl ry accelera cc coppcr facing solulion op“mizalion is it is it sink coppcr specd and slabiIily of Ihe solulion raise in slep to makc Io fiIl prescriplion mosl.
1’hc pcrformancc of laycr of coppcr thal lhis lexI sliIl deposjts Io chemical coppcr fdcing is like lhc cxIc r11al appcarancc,metallu rgical slrucIu rc.bond slrcnglh chenlical copper facing rcsull of plaIing ability,micro—h,Irdness,po rosily and narrow groOVe haVe cafricd‘)n dctailcd tesl and analysis,and has ca rrled on prcliminary discussjon and experiment to the chemical coppe facing of Ihe JIcrnaIive
0n lhe basis of Ihe lhing lhal makc g【)‘’d re~uIl in p roIOlypc surfacc of SLA and siljcon rubbcr mould surface chem汹ry coppe r facjng,sct汕oul solVing SI,A prol‘)Iypc and silicon rubbcr mould and slrjpping Ihc crafl and melhod Ihrough large numbe of lcsls.Espcc JnlIy lo lhc s pping of SLA prololypc,usc lhc siInila r principlc similar lo solubili cy paramcicr of princjplc‘)f poIa ri【y,haVc confi rmcd
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