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AbstractWitll Abstract Witll rapid deVelopmem of computer net、vork,me applications of dismbuted real-time systems become more and more popular.Realmme requirement exists in mally fields such as info丌nation appliallce,medical instmment,intelligent Vemcle, process con仃ol in indus仃y锄d commullication device.How to meet tlle dcmaIlds of the real-fime qIlal酊of service(RT—QoS)becomes a hot spot Which researchers concem.The response time of real-time taskS is importaIlt fIactor which af.fects system design,task scheduling锄d resource allocation.It has much practical signjfic锄ce to kIlow it in a“ance aIld mal(e it to satis匆dIIling cons廿aim.But since 山ere are tlle factors such as诅sk preemption,resollrce competi石on,timer intemlpt, I/o c011ision,some real-time tasks wim random beha“or and so on,it is very di伍cuh for the syste【Ⅱs to predict the response time ofthe taskS by仃admonal methods。 The purpose of t11e p印er provides tlle gllide for system design,t11e basis for system schcduling aIld t}le guaraⅡtee for task exec埘on by ppedic曲g end-to—end response time of real一time tasks.Real-time CORBA extends the componems which meet ttle rcal一time rcquirement in the original CORBA肋me,so t11at it suppons me operation of end—to—end predictability of the system,and guaramees me real.time 印plication.Based on this real sitIlation,the paper presents a series of s订ategies aIld mechanisms to guaralltee the predic协bility of the response time of mese tasks, including periodic tasks,印eriodic tasks and sporadic诅sks. Research on end—to—end response time is Started f如m t11e presumed code of real—time CORBA application.According to me end—to—end scheduling method,the prediction analysis of end-to—end response time of the tasks in me distributed real—time systems is 10calized,aIld tllrou曲establishing a node model,tlle response time is decomposed into several pans,and then using the methods,such as two leVels‘ scheduling scheme,time—demaIld a11alysis,queuing tlleory aIld so on,each pan of the response tim



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