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PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT I 浅论建设项目施工准备工作 专 业: 学 号: 学 生: 指导教师: 摘要:任何工程的建设都要经过计划、准备、实施、收尾这几个阶段。 施工准备工作就是要为施工创造必要的技术、物质、人力和组织调解,以便施工得以好、快、省、安全地进行。建筑行业作为当下中国的主要经济支柱产业之一,越来越受到国家的重视。施工准备工作作为项目正式开工前的一项重要工作,在其整个项目的建设过程中的地位不言而喻,施工准备工作的专业化、规范化也显得越来越重要。本文通过论述施工准备工作概述,体现出施工准备工作在整个工程项目中的重要性,再分条的详细的阐述施工准备工作的内容以及具体方法和一些布置原则,来说明施工准备工作的规范化以及其全面性。再次,通过编制一个实际案例的施工准备工作,形象的解说施工准备工作编制的步骤和过程,最后分析当下施工准备工作中的一些注意事项,使得施工准备进一步得到重视和发展。 关键词:建设项目;施工准备;布置;原则; Discuss Preparation for Construction Work of Construction Projects Specialty: Student Numbe: Student: Supervisor: Abstract: Any of the construction of the poject are through plan, prepare, implementation, ending this several stages. Construction preparation for construction work was to create the necessary technology, material, human and organizational mediation, So that construction have been so good, fast, provincial and safely. Construction industry in China today as the main economic one of pillar industries, more and more get the attention of the country. Preparation for construction work as a formal project before the start of an important work, in its the entire construction project in the process of the position is self-evident, preparation for construction work of specialization, standardization is becoming more and more important. This paper through the discusses preparation for construction of the work, reflects preparation for construction work in the whole project of importance, divided the article detailed explained preparation for construction work content and specific methods and some layout principle, and then, divided the article detailed explained preparation for construction work content and specific methods and some layout principle, to illustrate the standardization of the preparation for construction and the overall, Again, by making a practical case preparat


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