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分析 1.这是一篇招聘广告。 2.写作提示提供了招聘对象、应聘条件、工作内容、工作地点、工作时间和联系方式,写作时应根据表达需要一一加以准确表达。 3.为增强文章的醒目性,写作时可以在开头用Do you like…和Do you have time…?之类的一般疑问句式提出招聘条件。 4.为突出工作内容,可以在招聘对象工作内容前面加特殊符号。 5.海报中可以用以下短语和句型: Do you like …? Are you free in the afternoon from Monday to Friday? We need a baby-sitter for our 6-year-old son. Please call … WANTED Do you like children? Do you have free time in the afternoons? We need a baby-sitter for our son. He’s six years old. You must love children and be kind and patient. Working hours are 3 pm to 6 pm from Monday to Friday. Sometimes you will work on weekends. You can get 50RMB per hour. For the job, you will: ※Look after our son ※Read to him. ※Play with him You will work in hour house. We live in Tianjin, near the Zhongshan underground station. Please call Mrs. Zhang at 022 if you are interested in the job. 例三:人物介绍 介绍人物的海报可以先把所要介绍的人物的名字放在显要位置,然后依次介绍该人物的生日、出生地、特殊技能等,再简单介绍人物所从事的事业。语言要简洁,最好用短语的形式,海报内容的整体思路可以按照下面的流程图进行。 根据下列材料,设计一则介绍中国著名田径运动员刘翔的海报。 Liu Xiang was born in Shanghai on July 13th, 1983. He is handsome. He loved sports when he was young. And he was good at jumping and running. In 2003, he won the third place at the world indoor championships in England. On August 27, 2004, he won a gold medal for 110m hurdles(跨栏) at the Athens Olympic Games. It was the first gold medal that Chinese had ever won for the track and field in the Olympics history. He set a world record of 12.88 seconds in the men’s 110m hurdles at a Super Grand meeting in Switzerland(瑞士超级大奖赛)in 2006. Liu Xiang Date of birth: July 13th, 1983 Place of birth: Shanghai, China Appearance: Handsome Talents: Good at running and jumping Sports career: ※ Won the third place at the world indoor championships in England (2003) ※ Won a gold medal for 110m hurdles at the Athens Olympic Games (2004) ※ Set a world record of 12.88 seconds in the men’s 110m hurdles at a Super Grand meeting in Switzerland (2006) 请根据下列内容写一张海报。 为了帮助贫困山区小孩重返校园,河北联合大学将于2012年12月12日下午3点到5点在大讲堂(lecture


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