Jav EE应用中权限系统的研究与实现.docx

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Jav EE应用中权限系统的研究与实现

Java EE门户网站性能优化技术研究与实现 摘 要 权限系统作为政府和企业的安全和共享关节,已成为信息化建设中的重要组 成部分。在权限系统中,包括粗粒度权限控制和细粒度权限控制。本文引入Servlet 规范的过滤器、Struts2校验器和Strtus2拦截器等组件,实现了粗粒度与细粒度相 结合的权限控制系统。 针对用户的统一登陆问题,提出了基于Servlet规范过滤器的粗粒度权限控 制,很好地解决了访问受保护的资源时,必须要登陆系统才能对页面进行访问。 针对上下级之间以及同级之间的数据访问问题,提出了基于Struts2校验器的粗粒 度权限控制,充分利用拦截器的手工校验validate()方法来实现不同级别的数据访 问。 针对系统建模问题,提出了实体领域建模方法,并采用多对多和多对一等实 体之间的关系映射模型,使数据库设计更符合面向对象设计与分析,使系统更易 实现;针对每一个操作都对应一个权限的问题,提出了基于Struts2拦截器的细粒 度权限控制,并定义权限注解,并标识在Action中的相应方法上,实现权限拦截; 实现对权限组的动态管理和分配,保证了系统的灵活性。 本文所提出的权限系统已在某省级机关系统中得以实现,权限管理方便、很 好的提高了系统的安全性和共享性。 关键词:权限系统;粗粒度;细粒度;过滤器;校验器;拦截器 lI Abstract As the security and the shared j olt of government and enterprise,the authority svstem has become the important part of the information construction,also 1ncludlng coarse.grained authority control and fine—grained authority control·The paper control accomplishes the connection of coarse-grained and fine‘grained authority bY quoting the Serlvet specification of filters,Struts 2 validators,Strtus 2 intercePtors and other components. to t_Ile For the problems of the user’s unified logging,it puts forward coarse.grained authority control based on the Serlvet specification of filters,which after s01ves the protected resources while visiting websites,for it must visit websites and lower logging into systems.For the issues of the data visisting between the upper control based on levels or the same level s,it brings about the coarse。grained authority Struts 2 validators,which makes full use of the manual validate()method of interceptors in order to complish the data visiting of different levels· For the problems of the system modeling,it puts forward to the modeling method and of the entity domain and adopts reflectional modelings,such as many-to-manY manv.to.one entity relationships,which makes the database design become more to consistent with the object.oriented design and analysis,making the system easier achieve.For the problems of each operation corresponds to an authority,it b


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