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线压力传感器性能的测量,测量得到的谐振频率值和待测压力之间的线性度较好, 压力测量精度高于5%,并且当阅读天线和传感器之间的耦合位置发生微小偏移 时,测量结果变化较小,同时比较了三角扫频法和单频法的测量结果,单频法测 量误差较大,抗噪声能力较差,相反,三角扫频法具有较强的抗噪声能力。
In harsh environment such as high temperature and humidity,or applications like intraocular pressure measurement and treatment it’S difficult to detect with wired and active sensors.LC resonant pressure sensor expands the application range of the pressure sensor by measuring pressure in wireless and passive way.At present,The signal pickup instrument for the wireless passive LC resonant pressure sensor mainly
relies on network analyzer or impedance analyzer.Although these devices are adaptable and accurate,they are bulky and expensive and thus restrict the use of this measurement method outside the laboratory.In this paper,studies were carried out on theoretical analysis,simulation,hardware design,software design and experiment verification aimed at the status quo of picking up the MEMS wireless passive LC resonant pressure sensor’S signal.And a signal pickup system based on the real part of impedance measurement was designed
Based on inductance coupling theory,three methods’S principle and influencing parameters were derived according to equivalent impedance of readout antenna and the wireless passive LC resonant pressure sensor coupling model,those are phase measurement method, real part of impedance measurement method and S I 1 measurement method.It turned out that the resonance frequency gained by real part of impedance measurement is hardly changed in relation to coupling coefficient,the measuring method was accepted to pick up the resonance frequency of the sensor
There are two hardware design schemes to measure real part of equivalent impedance, including vector decomposition method and multiplication demodulation method. Differences between two methods was compared.Since vector decomposition method cl
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