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山东大学硕士学位论文§3.3本章小结 山东大学硕士学位论文 §3.3本章小结 .36 参考文献 ..38 第四章低温p—GaN插入层对LED光电特性的影响 .43 §4.1样品结构与实验过程 .44 §4.2样品测试结果与讨论 45 4.2.1样品EL测试结果 .45 4.2.2样品EL谱的注入电流依赖性 .46 4.2—3样品EL谱的温度依赖性 .47 4.2.4样品PL测试结果 ..48 4.2.5样品能带模拟图 49 4.2.6电子、空穴、复合效率模拟图 50 4.2.7样品I—V特性曲线 .5l 4—2.8样品输出功率特性曲线 52 4—2.9样品归一化外量子效率图 53 §4—3本章小结 .54 参考文献 一55 第五章工作总结与展望 . 57 §5.1工作总结 .57 §5.2工作展望 .58 致谢 59 硕士期间发表学术论文目录 ..61 万方数据 山东大学硕士学位论文CONTENT 山东大学硕士学位论文 CONTENT ABSTRACT(in Cllinese) l ABSTRACT(iIl English) .III LiSt of SⅧbols .VII C帅ter 1 InnDduction l §1.1 The llisto巧ofh哪锄li出ing .1 §1—2 111e 1listo巧ofG削-baSed LED li咖source .2 {S1.3 Pmblem in LED 3 §1.4 Synopsis ofdisserIation 5 RefIerences ..7 Ch印ter 2 Properties,prepaI{ltion and test methods of GaN-based LED .9 §2.1 Properties ofGaN_based semiconduCtor material ..9 §2-2 Light emission process in t11e semiconductor material ..14 §2—3 Preparation ofLED ..16 §2.4 TeSt metllods of LED .1 8 2.4.1 Phot01啪inescence aIld meaSurement system 1 8 2-4.2 Elecn.oluminescence and measurement system .21 2.4—3 R锄all and measurement system 23 §2-5 Conclusiolls .25 Ref-erences 26 Ch印ter 3 111fluence ofthe IIlGaN/GaN insenion layer on PL in MQWs ..27 §3-1 S锄ple s咖c慨and meaSurement ..27 §3·2 Results ofs锄ples test and discussions 29 3-2-l PL spectra ofs锄ples .29 3—2—2 Excitation power d印endent of廿le PL of s锄ples 30 3-2-3 RaIIlan properties of s锄ples .32 3—2-4 Temper;11=ure dependent of the PL ofs锄ples ..34 3—2—5 Excitation po、Ver dependerlt of me IQE of saIllples ..35 §3-3 Conclusions .36 Ref-erences 38 Chapter 4 IIlfluence of吐le p·GaN layer on optical—electrical properities ofLED ..43 万方数据 山东大学硕士学位论文§4-1 山东大学硕士学位论文 §4-1 S锄ple structure alld meaLsⅢement .44 §4—2 Results of samples test aIld discussions 45 4·2-l EL spectl.a ofs锄ples 45 4—2-2 Current d印eIldent oftlle EL of s锄ples .46 4·2-3 Tempe阳tl】re dependent oftlle EL ofs锄ples 47 4—2—4 PL spec仃a of samples .48 4-2-5 Calculated baIld energy diagram ofsaIl印les ..49 4.2.6 Calculated elec仃on conce曲献ion,hole conce砷ration distribut



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