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译文3: The Park of Sweet Osmanthus is known for its profusion of osmanthus trees which come into blossom at different times of the year: golden osmanthus, silver osmanthus, and purple osmathus in the fall; four-season osmanthus during the year. When you enter the park you won’t fail to be greeted by their sweet fragrance.(陈刚译) 总结点评:翻译中需要保留什么,改动什么是译文目的决定的。原文中对桂花树和花的细致描写和渲染,是为了提升这个公园的形象,以创造更好的社会和经济效益。作为桂花节的主打品种,金桂、银桂、紫砂桂、四季桂,它们的名称在这里是重要信息,还是有必要传达的。原文中花卉的修饰语在汉语中能够起到吸引观众的目的,但转化成英文,则显得冗长繁琐,不符合译文读者的期待,有碍译文预期目的的传递,因此应该简化或删减。 Try to avoid grammatical errors or mistakes. Be careful in diction or choosing words It’s necessary to use different sources or tools to understand the original text. Background information or cultural information are of great significance in tourism translation. Sometimes some of the information of the original text needs to be omitted or changed and even the structure of the text need to be rearranged. The traditional translation theory is necessary but is not the exact theory to guide tourism translation. 1. 崂山,林木苍翠,繁花似锦,到处生机盎然,春天绿芽红花,夏天浓荫蔽日,秋天遍谷黄金,严冬玉树琼花。 2. 西湖如镜面,千峰凝翠,洞壑幽深,风光绮丽。 3. 梁山伯与祝英台的故事就发生在杭州。 4. 鲁迅纪念馆现已发展成为极富旅游价值的著名人文景观。 High street: a street where the most important shops and businesses in a town are. Shopping street The so-called XIafei Road was originally known as Avenue Joffre. Joffre was the French general Joseph Jacques Cesaire Joffre, who was born in 1850 and died in 1931. 专有名词的翻译原则:“名从主人”和“约定俗成”。 “名从主人”即根据欧美人的习惯表达来翻译。 (P81)“霞飞路”位于原上海法租界区域,当时称为“Avenue Joffre”, 因此不能音译为 “Xiafei Road”. 淮海路原名霞飞路 原译:Huaihai Road, formerly called Xiafei Road 改译: Huai Road, orginally known as Avenue Joffre. 回译的本义是将译文翻译回原文,以此来检验译文的准确性,是一种翻译练习。我们此处指的是英汉互译时对人名、地名和物名的处理。若原语本身是从目标语翻译过来的,我们应将它们还原到原来的读音和拼写的规范体系中去。 (P59)(1)The Naadam festival, which is held each year in July, is the most famous celebration of the year for Mongolians.(2) Naadam means “game” or “competition” in Mongolian. (3) Competitions in the traditional sports of horse racing, wrestling,