
基于Visual C++的高校人力资源管理系统的设计与实现-电子与通信工程专业论文.docxVIP

基于Visual C++的高校人力资源管理系统的设计与实现-电子与通信工程专业论文.docx

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Design and Implementation of University Human Resource Management System Based on Visual C++ ABSTRACT Wit h t he proposal of the strategic po licy o f deve loping the countr y t hrough science and educatio n, inst it ut iona l re for m of co lleges and universit ies keeps proceeding and extend ing. The curre nt concept of huma n resource manage me nt is totally different fro m that in the pla nned economic system and the improveme nt of huma n resource mana geme nt of colle ges and univers it ies is a key to inst itut iona l refor m of colle ges and univers it ies. Wit h the rapid deve lopme nt of economy and infor mat ion constr uct ion o f o ur country, huma n resource mana ge ment s yste m becomes a more and more urgent need of colleges and universit ies. Human resource mana ge ment s yste m of co lleges and univers it ies ma inly takes advantages of e nterprise mana ge ment t heories and t he software develop ing basis o f software engineer ing to design according to t he needs of the syste m, realizi ng the integrat io n of huma n resource manage me nt of colleges and univers it ies. This artic le invest igates and syste mat ica lly ana lyzes the H R mana ge ment in t he w ho le process, and tracks the work process of the HR ma nage ment all t he way, then comes up w it h the design a nd imp leme ntat ion met hod of H R mana ge ment s yste m w hich is based on Visual C++ for colleges and universities. In the first place, the thesis introduces the research background of the project and development status at home and abroad, and gives out the thinking of wr it ing. Secondly, according to t he important ro le that human resource mana ge ment s yste m plays and the important responsibilit ies it takes in colle ges, univers it ies and the current soc iety, t he paper illustrates t he connotatio ns, characterist ics and conte nts of huma n resource mana geme nt syste m of colle ges and universit ies, and profound ly discusses the establis hment o f human resource ma



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