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南京邮电大学工程硕士研究生学位论文 摘要 摘 要 随着电信业的飞速发展,运营商的支撑网络越来庞大,越来越复杂,多厂家设备综合 组网的情况越来越多,在路由器和Lanswitch领域尤为突出。这使得运营商的运行维护部 门面临着如何管理这个庞大的IP网络的严峻的问题。 在各大运营商的实际支撑网络中,运用最广泛的IP设备是Cisco公司和华为公司两大 厂商的各系列的路由器和交换机。因此,本文重点研究了由Cisco和华为的IP设备构建成 的支撑IP网络运营商支撑网的集成网管方案。 在所提出的实用可行的集成网管方案中,针对不同类型的网管软件的特点,采用将IP 网络管理平台与设备生产商网管软件相集成的办法,利用OpenView等通用网管平台完成 基本的跨厂商全网IP设备管理,利用设备制造商自己的网管软件完成各自产品内部的网络 与业务管理。IP网络管理平台采用HP的OpenViewNNM网管软件,设备商网管软件分别 采用思科公司的CiseoWorks2000网管软件和华为公司的QuidView网管软件,以期对IP网 络做到有效的维护和管理。 论文介绍了集成网管系统的拓扑管理、配置管理、设备管理、告警管理、数据仓库数 据导入导出等功能的设计,软硬件配置方案,并给出了集成网管的实现案例。 论文的研究成果已被企业采用,应用效果符合预期目标。 关键词:支撑网;集成网管;数据仓库 南京邮电大学T程硕.}:研究生学位论文 ABSTRACT ABSTRACT With the rapid development of telecommunication industry,the supporting network of telecommunication operators has become increasingly larger and more sophisticated.In the meantime,integrating network among different operators emerges as a prevalent phenomenon, especially in the field of Router and LAN switch.However,there is a severe problem for the maintenance department of each telecommunication operator,i.e.how to manage the gigantic IP The Router and Switch provided by manufacturer Cisco and Huawei are the most popular IP equipment which is applied in the practical support network.So the thesis will put forward a feasible integrated network management scheme for IP network structured by the IP equipment from Cisco and Huawei. In the practical scheme designed by this thesis,contraposing to various characteristics of network software,we integrate IP network management platform with software of facility manufacturer;realize the basic network-wide IP facility management among multi—manufactures through network platform like Openview.Meanwhile,the inner network operation and business management of each facility—manufacturer are completed by the network sol,rare produced by manufacturers.In order to maintain and manage the IP network effectively,Openview NNM made by HP is chosen as software of IP network



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