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气 lUI lUI I I ll I ll II III I I I III Y1 807489 摘要 牛物矿化作用是海底热液喷口科学研究的前沿领域之一。本文以Lau盆地弧后扩 张中心不同热液场采集的富Fe—Si氧化物为研究对象,从显微尺度下的形貌特征 和微牛物群落结构分析的角度对其微生物矿化现象进行研究。基于显微尺度下超 微结构的形态观察表明,微生物在该区富Fe.Si氧化物的矿化过程中扮演了重要 角色,各种生物成因或者与微生物及其活动相关的超微结构分布广泛。特别是长 杆状、螺旋状、挠曲的丝缕体和不规则的鞘状富Fe结构,表明嗜中性铁氧化菌是 样品中Fe元素的富集的关键要素。基于16S rRNA基因的系统发育分析则从微生 物学的角度证实G弦m卿玎印和Mferrooxydans嗜中性铁氧化菌的存在,从而为Fe 的微生物矿化提供了确凿的证据。在此基础上,我们推测由流体混合和微生物相 关超微结构阻隔而导致的“混合一传导”复合型冷却是导致后期大面积硅化的主 控因素。 关键词:富Fe.Si氧化物,Lau盆地弧后扩张中心,微生物矿化,铁氧化菌 AbstractResearches Abstract Researches aiming at seafloor hydrothermal vents and related phenomena have been focused on the microbial mineralization.In this study,we described various morphologies of ultrastructures on micro—scales and analyzed the microbial groups inhabited Fe·-Si·-rich oxides by the constructions of 1 6S rRNA gene library.According to the morphological characteristics,it was inferred that microbes played important roles in the processes of mineralization.Bacteriogenic or bacteria-like ultrastructures were widely distributed in the iron-silicon—rich oxides.Especially,the abundance of bacterial forms resembling the sheath of L.ochracea,the stalk of G ferruginea and filaments of M ferrooxydans revealed that neutrophilic Fe—oxidizing bacteria were crucial to the accumulation of iron.Phylogenetic analysis confirmed that neutrophilic Fe·oxidizing bacteria such as G ferruginea and M ferrooxydans really existed which provided the evidence for the morphological observations.Based on these materials, we thought that the wide precipitations of silicon were mainly caused by the mixing of seawater and hydrothermal fluids mixture and thermal conductivity. Keywords:iron-silicon—rich oxides,back-arc spreading center of Lau Basin,microbial mineralization,iron—oxidizing bacteria 目录引言 目录 引言 一1 1.国内外研究现状 ..1 2.目前存在的主要问题 3 第1章研究区概况 6 1.1 L跏盆地地质概况 7 1.2 Lau盆地海底热液场分布 , 9 第2章样品来源及研究方法 。1l 2.1样品来源与描述 。儿 2.2矿物学与地球化学研究方法 。12 2.3分子生物学研究方法 。13 第3章富Fe—Si氧化物的微生物矿化现象 .15 3.1矿物学和元素地球化学特征 ..16


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