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研究生优秀毕业论文 大连理工大学专业学位硕士学位论文 摘 要 进入二十一世纪,随着生活水平的提高,人们对居住的环境也不断提出更高要求, 越来越关注生活的舒适、便捷和安全。住宅作为生存的物质基础,不仅仅要求功能齐全、 使用便捷、居住舒适,而且还要安全节能,有益于住户的健康和自然的生态环境。 智能家居技术就在这时应运而生,其最基本的目标就是为人们提供一个舒适、安全 和高效的生活环境,本文设计了一种基于Unity的虚拟智能家居系统。系统中使用Unity 技术实现控制程序中的虚拟仿真部分,对场景中的主摄像机附加移动控制脚本,使其可 在搭建出的三维场景中实现漫游,并可有效地实现碰撞检测等在漫游中所必需的功能。 为了实现高质量的三维场景体验,场景中的模型由3DS Max制作。使用Unity中的GUI 技术实现在漫游过程中的交互式控制操作。使用数据库技术实现系统中的数据管理部 分。使用Unity提供的网络技术实现系统的联网功能。搭建好的系统网络能够通过发布 于PC、手机等终端上的控制程序实现对智能家居系统中设备的操控。 本文使用Arduino技术来搭建系统的实验平台,搭载发光二极管等电子原件,通过 USB接口与计算机进行连接。编写内置控制程序并上传到Arduino板中,系统中的各种 操作通过与Arduino的互动完成。 关键词:Unity;3DS Max;虚拟漫游;Arduino 万方数据 基于Unity的虚拟智能家居系统设计与实现 Design and Implementation of Virtual Smart Home System Based on the ’ Unity Abstract The 2 1 st century,with the improvement of living standards,the living environment of people also put forward higher requirements,more and more attention to the life of comfort, convenience and security.Housing as the material basis for the survival,not only requires the function is all ready,to live a comfortable,easy to use,but also should be safety and energy saving,is good for people’S health and the natural ecological environment. Smart home technology then arises at the historic moment,the most basic goal is to provide people with a comfortable safe and efficient living environment.This paper designed a kind of smart home system based on the Unity.System uses the Unity of virtual simulation technology to control program,additional mobile control script for the primary camera in the scene,make its can be realized in build 3d scene roaming,and can effectively realize the collision detection and other necessary functions in roaming.In order to achieve the high quality of 3d scene experience,in the scene model made by 3DS Max.Using the GUI technology from Unity in the process of interactive control operation in roaming.Using database technology implements the system of data management.Use network technology to realize system provided by the Unity of networking.Built



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