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中文摘要本文系统地研究了HZ仪表有限公司的营销战略闯题。本文善先从供应商、 中文摘要 本文系统地研究了HZ仪表有限公司的营销战略闯题。本文善先从供应商、 用户、竞争者、政治法律因素、社会因素、经济因素和产业因素等方面对该企业 营销活动面临的外部环境进行系统、全面地分析,找出了可以使该企业营销活动 受益的机会和应当避免的威胁。随之,从企业营销能力、组织状况以及人力资源 等方面对营销活动内部条件进行深入、细致地分析,臻确了营销活动存在的优势 和弱点。然后利用EFE矩阵、IFE矩阵、SWOT矩阵,对关键的内外部因素中的 机会、威胁、优势、弱点进行匹配、评价提出该企业可采用的七个战略备选方案。 最后,利用QSPM方法确定了该企业营销活动采用差异化市场领导者和总成本 市场领导者战略为主的综合营销战略方案。 本文属于应用研究,主要是应用有关理论和方法来研究分析具体问题。其特 点在于:1、全面系统地应用战略理论来分析研究一个具体企业的营销活动,从 一个新的角度分毒厅研究HZ仪表公司的营销谋划;2、对HZ公镯营锩活动所碾 晒的机会和威胁,优势和弱点,以及HZ公司营销活动对外部环境适应程度等进 行了定量分析研究;3、将波特教授提出的三种制胜的竞争战略与企业在市场中 扮演的角色置于矩阵中,确定营销战略的基本类型。 关键词:仪表公司市场竞争竞争战略战略选择营销控制 ABSTRACTFor ABSTRACT For the fist time,this thesis systemically probes into HZ Instrument company’S strategy of marketing。It analyzes the extemal environment faced by the marketing from the following aspects:supplier,consumer, competitor,politics and law,social culture,economy,technology and industry,and finds out opportunities that may benefit the marketing, threats that should be avoided.Then,from the present state of the marketing ability,state of organization and resources of human power act, it thoroughly analyzes the intemal conditions of the marketing and finds out the marketing strengths and weakness.it uses the methods of EFE matrix,IFE matrix and SWoT matrix tO match and evaluate the opportunities,threats,strengths and weakness exiting in the critical internal and extemal environment,and raises seven alternate strategy for the marketing.at last,by using QSPM method,it figures the comprehensive operational strategy which is Market leading at the differentiation and Market leading at taking the lead of cost. This application article is to analyze practical problems using relavent theory and method.The main idea of this article is:1.to analyze a material enterprise by use of systematical strategy theory,to study marketing design of HZ instrument company from a new view.2.to analyze opportunities and threats,advantages and weaks m戤HZ instrument company is facing in a quantitative way,meanw


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