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CONl飞NSCoNTENS CONl飞NS CoNTENS Abstract in Chinese · ·I Abstract in English IlI 1 Introductinn -l 1.1 The production and molecular basis ofplant stress resistance ··1 l。1.1 ne production ofplant stress resistance 1 1.1.2 The molecular basis ofplant stress resistance ·‘2 1.2 The research progress ofplant stress resistance ·‘2 1.2.1 The research progress ofABA signal path -2 1.2.2 The clearance mechanism ofROS -3 1.3 WRKYfamily ·3 1.4 The function ofWRKYfamily · 一5 1.4.1 The Regulation of seed germination ‘5 1.4.2 The Regulation ofmetabolism · ·’5 1.4.3 The Regulation ofplant senescence ‘6 1.4.4 The Regulation ofplant morphogenesis‘‘ · ·-··-····· ···· ··- ···‘ ··· ‘··’ ·。 ‘·····’6 1.4.5 The regulation ofbiological stress 6 j.4.6 The Regulation of abiotic stress · 7 1.5 The research progress ofWRKY20 gene 8 1.6 objeetive and signification ofthis research 一8 2 Materials and Methods ·-9 2.1 Experimenti materials · ·’9 2.1.1 Soybean · ·’9 2.1.2 Strains and plasmids · 一9 2.1.3 Primers ·9 2.1.4 Enzymes and biochemical reagents 一9 2.1.5 Medium· 10 2.1.6 Apparatuses ·‘lO 2.2 Methods ·l 1 2.2.1 Soybean planting 11 2.2,2 Preparation and transformation ofagrobaeterium competent cells 11 2.2.3 Transform method ‘12 2.2.4 Extraction ofplant totle DNA with 2xCTAB ‘12 2.2.5 Extraction of plant totle RNA with Trizol 13 2.2.6 The detection of transgenic soybean “13 2.2.7 The detection ofsoybean physiological indexes 一14 iIl 万方数据 东北农业大学理学硕士学位论文3 东北农业大学理学硕士学位论文 3 Results and analysis · · ··· ···· ··_ ·- 16 3.1 The expression characteristic of 16 3.1.1 The expression characteristic of GmWRKY20 gene in tissue ‘16 3.1.2 The expression characteristic ofGmWRKY20 gene in different soybeans 16 3.1.3 The expression influence ofphotoperiod to GmWRKY20 gene 18 3.1.4 The expression characteristic of GmWRKY20 gene in growing soybean ‘‘19 3.1.5 The expression infiuenee ofabiotie stress ”20 3.2 Overexpressed GmWRKY20 gene in soybean materials‘········ · 。 ‘‘‘‘‘ ’ ’’+21 3.2.1 The genetic in


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