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GSM移动核心网中基于SIGTRAN协议栈的网络架构的研究与实施 GSM移动核心网中基于SIGTRAN协议栈的网络架构的研究与实施 金戈良 现实可能;以ALCATEL的新一代核心网设备HLR为例,通过对模 型的分析提出符合实验室开发测试的网络方案,保证实验室网络既 能充分模拟各种网络模型,保障产品研发和功能测试的质量,又能 做到经济实用,控制住新产品研发的成本。通过对实验数据的举例 分析,验证网络设计的正确性。此外,仍然以ALCATEL的下一代 HLR为例,为支持SIGT凡Ⅲ协议的网络节点如何逐步取代传统信 令设备,保持GSM业务平滑升级提供可行的建议方案。最后,针对 IP协议网络的服务质量的保证以及安全性提出一些建议。 通篇的论述目标是为如何在现实中构建并使用支持SIGTRAN 协议的网络提供研究方案和实施指导。 关键词:网络构建SIGTRAN协议SCTP协议M3UA协议 移动通信核心网用户归属位置寄存器 GSM移动核心网中基于SIGTRAN协议栈的网络架构的研究与实施 GSM移动核心网中基于SIGTRAN协议栈的网络架构的研究与实施 金戈良 R置SEARCH AND PRACTICE oF SIGTRAN PROToCOL STACK BASED NETWORK ARCHITECTURE FOR GSM CORE NETWORK ABSTRACT As the new standards and techniques of next generation telecommunication such as 3G and 4G come forth,many new requirements have been raised for enhancement of the telecommunication network and service such as more e伍cient broadband,faster expansion,more flexible to new service,easier for new service development and SO on.This means it’S urgent for GSM mobile network to transform from legacy卫DM network to the IP style one.To make this transform happen,SIGTR AN protocol family presents themselves as a technique for smooth evolution. SIG豫AN protocol stack iS a group of protocols based on the IP network,in the meanwhile,acting as adaptors beneath the upper layer USer protocols.As signaling protocols serving for GSM core network, SCTP and M3UA are selected to work over IP protocol and take the role as MTP3 protocol to support and adapt to SCCP layer. With the rich experience of TCP and UDP implementation in real world,SCTP is a connection oriented and IP based protocol specially designed for telecommunication network.It has some key characteristies, which overcome the shortage of TCP&UDP in areas like security, performance and congestion contr01.SCTP protocol has mechanisms like multi.homed association, Cookie echo, multi—stream with independent sequenced data packet inside each stream,etc


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