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硕士学位论文Abstract 硕士学位论文 Abstract CAD,CAM haS been the foundation and aIl importam part of advallced mallufacturing technology,it h髂went dc印into almost all fields of pmducing process,imegration、network and imelligentize is its direction ofdeVelopment. Featllre is a f血ction element w}lich haVe project mealling get f沁m 11igllly generalize and abstract of project object.It is c枷er and basic transmission uIlit of advanced inf0H11ation under inte乒ated envim啪ent.n include both shape and fIlllction.Definition of feature is di虢rent in d城湘nt areas.Featwc modeling is a process of defining、describing pans model tll】rou曲featuI℃锄d its musteL Feature its own is pmmeteral.Every position atld dilnension of sh印e feacure could be easiIy modified throu曲dimension drive a11d its attaching at缸bute will be modified follow it.nlus desi印ers can dynamicall”creatively develop new product according to meir purpose.Feature modeliIlg has adVancer de丘nition layer of design object.n call be easily undersfood alld used by tecⅢcjst and can supply皿ocess of desjgn al】d maIlufacture、vith enou曲project、technics information.n is the key tec}111ique of integration and integration of CAD,CAM. According to me specific trait of own corporation or own neld,secondary development Ofcurrent CAI)soRwarc t0 gct a customizational、specializational a11d inte掣atioml soRware is one ofimportant directions and hotspoCs ofstudy. The thesis chooses UG as me developing pla怕nn aIld sh瓶panS as study object, research how to use secondary deVel叩ment tool UQ,0pen API to develop a CAD syStem of shaft parts 0n the basis of fe孤眦modelmg theory under t11e enVir01:1Inent of VC++.Then research how to set parameter u11der me CAM module of UG NX2 t0 genemte t00lpam a11d cutter source file of t11e shaft part.At last,in order to make t11e best use of the s仃ong modeling如nction of UG aIld me strong analyse fIlIlction of ANSYS,emphatically analyse how t0 import UG model imo ANSYS,aIld then a11a1”e me modelin ANSYS. Keywords:CAD,CAM:featIlre mode



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