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2007 1 January 2007 26 1 M echan ica l Sc ience and Technology Vol. 26 N o. 1 莫海军朱文坚 ( , 510640 : 通过对自主研制的履带式排爆机器人跨越障碍过程的稳定性进 分析, 分析机器人爬楼梯 的侧向稳定性, 建立机器人越障运动学动力学方程, 导出机器人越障时产生的惯性角, 并以此作为 机器人越障动态稳定性指标来判断机器人的稳定性, 最终得出机器人在跨越障碍时, 以前接地点落 地碰撞引起的冲击最为严重 : 排爆机器人; 动态稳定性; 惯性角 : TP24 : A : 100328728( 2007 0120065203 Analysis of the Stability of a Crawler2typeM obileRobot Crossing Over Obstacles M oH a ijun, Zhu W enj ian ( School ofM echanical Engineering, Sou th Ch inaUn iversity of Technology , Guangzhou 510640 Abstract: The stability of a crawler2typ e exp losive2removing robot develop ed by the author s university dur ing the course of its crossing over ob stacleswas analyzed for the purpose of studying its stab ility sideways, setting up the ki2 nem atics and dynam ics equation s for the robot crossing over ob stacles and thu s deducing the inertia angle produced in the process. The inertia angle is further used as the dynam ic stability indicator of the robot crossing over ob sta2 cles to judge its stab ility. A conclu sion was reached thatwhen the robot is clmi b ing sta irs, it touches ground w ith its head forward because of the unequalmovem ent sp eeds of its left and right tracks, produc ing mi p act force, which is the severest among other k inds of force. K ey words: explosive2removing robot; dynam ic stab ility; inertia angle , , , , , , , ,


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