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* 产生误差的原因 当测头部件位于横臂最外端A处和最里端B处时,由于测头部件的集中负荷在横臂上的作用点发生变化引起立柱和横臂的受力状态发生变化,引起横臂上A、B两点处的挠曲变形和截面转角变化,从而引起测量误差。 测头部件集中负荷 横臂自重均匀负荷 立柱所受转矩 当测头部件在最外端A处时 当测头部件在最内端B处时 l W q MA 图2—11悬臂式坐标测量机受力变形 弯曲力矩 挠曲变形 截面转角 * 测头部件从B点移到A点时,在测量方向Z向上引起的测量误差为 假设测量线至横臂上基准尺的距离s=1000mm时,X向引起的测量误差为: 测量仪器的轴线与待测工件的轴线须在同一直线上。否则即产生误差,此误差称为阿贝误差(Abbe Error)。 图2—10 悬臂式坐标测量机原理图 1—立柱 2—平衡块 3—读数基尺 4—横臂 5—测头部件 6—z向测量轴 S 阿贝误差 * 由上可知: 对于大型仪器,由力变形引起的测量误差是相当大的。 对策: 在设计中提高仪器结构件的刚度 合理选择支点位置和材料 适当采用卸荷装置 * 悬臂式三坐标测量机 特点:工作面开阔,工件装卸容易;但悬臂结构易变形,一般用于低精度测量。 移动桥式三坐标测量机 特点:结构简单,敞开性好,工件安装在固定工作台上,承载能力强。但这种结构的X向驱动位于桥框一侧,桥框移动时易产生绕Z轴偏摆。因而该结构主要用于中等精度的中小机型。 z X Y 固定桥式三坐标测量机 特点:其桥框固定不动,X向标尺和驱动机构可安装在工作台下方中部。其主要部件的运动稳定性好,运动误差小,适用于高精度测量,但工作台负载能力小,结构敞开性不好,主要用于高精度的中小机型。 补充内容:三坐标测量机的三种常见结构 精 度 低 高 The fundamental parameter of an ADC is the number of bits. The number of bits of an ADC determines the range of values for the binary output of the ADC conversion. The higher the resolution, the higher the number of divisions into which the range is broken, and therefore the smaller the detectable voltage change. The figure above shows a sine wave and its corresponding digital image as obtained by a 3-bit ADC. A 3-bit converter divides the range into 23 or 8 divisions. A binary code between 000 and 111 represents each division. Clearly, the digital signal is not a good representation of the original signal because information has been lost in the conversion. By increasing the resolution to 16 bits, however, the ADC抯 number of codes increases from 8 to 65,536 (216), and it can obtain an extremely accurate representation of the analog signal. Most ADCs are 12 bit, producing 4,096 (212) different codes. The input range of the ADC and the gain applied to the incoming signal also determine the A/D conversion resolution. DAQ boards usually contain an instrumentation amplifier that amplifies the analog signal by a gain factor prior to the conversion. Gain amplifies low-level signals so


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